Longtable \endfoot 位置错误的问题

Longtable \endfoot 位置错误的问题


我正在longtable将几个表格分成几页 - 这些将会放在我的论文附录中......




    \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{report} %add "twocolumn" if interested
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          \usepackage{array} % for centering tables...such a pain
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        {\Huge amount of boring stuff}
        {\large Me}
        My Thesis

        testing long table \ref{AICHouseCysti} 

        \caption[Modelling Process for Human HP10 Positivity]{{\bfseries Comparison of mixed-effects logistic regression risk factor models for human HP10 positivity (cysti)}}\\
        Model\protect\footnotemark &  AIC  \\

        {{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
        Model &  AIC  \\

        \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{{Continued on next page}} \\ 


         {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt]  

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

        {\bf hscysti} \sim other.stud + h20.filter + health.km + other  + health.trav.sch & 159.9 \\
        $ + lat.sum + piped + tw.meat + tran.none   + pork  + tw.pig  + well  + opendef   & \\
        + copro + tw + h2o.tx.none + health.mode  + roof + river + pond & \\
        + undercooked + tran.bike $& \\[3pt] 

       \footnotetext{small blah blah blahl}} 


