I am not sure align at the equal sign is a good idea, it looks weird to me.
y & = \Sigma aaa \\ \nonumber
& = bbb + ccc \\ \nonumber
& + ddd + eee \\ \nonumber
& + fff + ggg
So I am trying some other options, like this [Effect-1],
y= & \Sigma aaa \\ \nonumber
= &bbb + ccc \\ \nonumber
& {\rm{~~~~}} + ddd + eee \\ \nonumber
& {\rm{~~~~}} + fff + ggg
That is the first line and second line, align at equal sign, and the second and the rest, align at plus sign.
Or this [Effect-2],
y= & \Sigma aaa \\ \nonumber
= & {\rm{~~~}} bbb + ccc \\ \nonumber
& + ddd + eee \\ \nonumber
& + fff + ggg
That is the first line and second line, align at equal sign, and the second and the rest, align at characters sign, and in the meantime, keep plus sign not aligned with equal sign.
Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences.
Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences. Some sentences.
y= & \Sigma aaa \\ \nonumber
= & \rm{~~~} bbb - ccc - ddd - eee \\ \nonumber
& - fff - ggg
I want this new equation aligned with the above equations without using intertext.
1) Using \emph{rm spaces} looks stupid and not always correct, any better solution for multi alignments?
2) How to align across different paragraphs, if I do not want to use "inter text"?
\usepackage{mathtools}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{mathtools}
One way
y & = \Sigma aaa \\
& = bbb + ccc \nonumber \\
& \mathrel{\phantom{=}}{} + ddd + eee \nonumber \\
& \mathrel{\phantom{=}}{} + fff + ggg \nonumber
Another way,
y &= \Sigma aaa \\
&= bbb + ccc \nonumber \\
&\mathrel{\phantom{=}}\phantom{bbb} + ddd + eee \nonumber \\
&\mathrel{\phantom{=}}\phantom{bbb} + fff + ggg \nonumber
That is the first line and second line, align at equal sign, and the second and the rest,
align at plus sign.
Yet another way
y &= \Sigma aaa \\
&= {}\mathbin{\phantom{+}} bbb + ccc \nonumber \\
&\mathrel{\phantom{=}}{} + ddd + eee \nonumber \\
&\mathrel{\phantom{=}}{} + fff + ggg \nonumber
That is the first line and second line, align at equal sign, and the second and the rest,
align at characters sign, and in the meantime, keep plus sign not aligned with equal sign.
y &= \Sigma aaa \\
&= bbb - ccc - ddd - eee \nonumber \\
& - fff - ggg \nonumber
I want this new equation aligned with the equations below without using intertext.
y &\mathrlap{{}= \Sigma aaa}\phantom{{}= bbb - ccc - ddd - eee} \\
&= {}\mathbin{\phantom{+}} bbb + ccc \nonumber \\
&\mathrel{\phantom{=}}{} + ddd + eee \nonumber \\
&\mathrel{\phantom{=}}{} + fff + ggg \nonumber
- 不要留下空行
(以避免垂直间距过大); - 用于
获取正确的间距而无需实际排版; - 使用
在“丢失的一侧”添加一个空组来解决此问题。 - 当避免时
y & = \Sigma aaa \\ \nonumber
& = bbb + ccc \\ \nonumber
& \quad{}+ ddd + eee \\ \nonumber
& \quad{}+ fff + ggg