texindy 等同于 makeindex 设置

texindy 等同于 makeindex 设置

我目前正在使用 makeindex 生成索引,@egreg 建议我改用 xindy 来正确管理法语中的重音。但是,我找不到如何重现我当前的设置:

\makeindex[title={Index th\'ematique},intoc,options=-r -s thematique.ist,columns=2]



% Dotfill style
headings_flag 1
heading_prefix "\\hfill\{\\dayheadfont\\large\\textbf- "
heading_suffix " -\}\\hfill\\nopagebreak\\vspace\{0.5\\baselineskip\}"
delim_0 "\\dotfill "
delim_1 "\\dotfill "
delim_2 "\\dotfill "
item_0 "\n \\item\\raggedright "
item_1 "\n \\subitem\\raggedleft "

我如何使用 xindy 实现同样的效果?


如果没有完整的 MWE 或索引预览,完成这项任务相当困难。无论如何,我尝试了,这是法语单词索引的示例。我运行以下命令:

lualatex mal-xindy-style.tex
xindy -M texindy -C utf8 -L french -M mal-makeindex-style mal-xindy-style.idx
lualatex mal-xindy-style.tex

如果我们将 改为\usepackage{luatextra}inputenc对于pdflatex)或改为fontspec(对于xelatex),此示例将以这些格式显示带有变音符号的字母。

%! lualatex mal-xindy-style.tex
\usepackage{luatextra} % Use inputenc with pdflatex or fontspec with xelatex to achieve proper displaying of letters with diacritics.
\usepackage[hyperindex=false, colorlinks]{hyperref}
\makeindex %[title={Index th\'ematique}, intoc, options=-r -s thematique.ist,columns=2]
\font\dayheadfont=cmr10 %at 12pt
  \centering\begingroup\dayheadfont\large\bfseries-- }
\def\myheadingend{ --\endgroup\nopagebreak\vspace{0.5\baselineskip}\par\raggedright}

% An original file for makeindex...
% Dotfill style
headings_flag 1
heading_prefix "\\myheadingstart "
heading_suffix " \\myheadingend "
delim_0 "\\dotfill "
delim_1 "\\dotfill "
delim_2 "\\dotfill "
item_0 "\n \\item\\raggedright "
item_1 "\n \\subitem\\raggedleft "

% A style file for xindy...
(markup-index :open  "\begin{theindex}~n"
    :close "~n~n\end{theindex}~n"

(markup-letter-group :open-head "~n\mallettergroup{" :close-head "}%")
(markup-letter-group-list :sep "~n~n\indexspace~n")

(markup-indexentry :open "~n\item " :close "" :depth 0)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n  \subitem " :close "" :depth 1)
(markup-indexentry :open "~n    \subsubitem " :close "" :depth 2)
(markup-locclass-list :open "\dotfill " :sep ", " :close "")
(markup-locref-list   :sep ", ")

(define-attributes (("malindex")) )
(markup-locref :attr "malindex" :open "\malindex{" :close "}")
(markup-locref :attr "hyperpage" :open "\hyperpage{" :close "}")
(markup-locref :attr "default" :open "\hyperpage{" :close "}")

\index{premier niveau}
\index{Ça va}
\index{À quelle}

% I wish not to have page number in index.
\def\indexname{Index thématique}%
My first paragraph\ldots

