

我尽了最大努力,但还是没找到。我的问题如下:我使用软件包\phantomsubcaption中的subcaption命令进行引用,但我还想在图表列表中添加一些标记,并附上每个面板的简短描述。我尝试了软件包中的其他命令组合subcaption,但目前还没有找到。memoir 是否有内置功能可以帮助我,还是我应该放弃?

以下是 MWE


        \renewcommand\thesubfigure{\Alph{subfigure}} %just for aesthetics
        \newcommand{\callsubfig}[1]{\textbf{(#1)}} % how I reference subfigs in my captions
\usepackage[style=base,labelfont=bf]{caption} % I bold my caption titles.

\LoFindent = \parindent



Intro to my topic. Here's a figure to clarify. (\fref{fig:introFig})

    {\fbox{Figure graphics that have 2 panels in one PDF file.}
    \caption[Full Caption Title for ToC]{Caption title appears in text and is much longer than what appears in the LoF, which is good because this is long.
        \callsubfig{\subref{subfig:introFigA}} Explaining the first part, then\ldots
        \callsubfig{\subref{subfig:introFigB}} Explaining the second. But how do I get subcaption titles into the LoF?

for an idea of what I want my LoF to look like, see \fref{fig:example}.

ToC Title for Fig 1.1 \dotfill \pageref{fig:introFig}

\hspace{\LoFindent} subtitle for subfig A

\hspace{\LoFindent} subtitle for subfig B

ToC Title for Fig 1.2 \dotfill \pageref{fig:example}

\caption{What I want my LoF to look like (content-wise, of course)}\label{fig:example}





        \renewcommand\thesubfigure{\Alph{subfigure}} %just for aesthetics
        \DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{boldparens}{\textbf{(#2)}} % how I reference subfigs in my captions
\captionsetup{style=base,labelfont=bf,subrefformat=boldparens} % I bold my caption titles.

\LoFindent = \parindent



Intro to my topic. Here's a figure to clarify. (\fref{fig:introFig})

      \fbox{Figure graphics that have 2 panels in one PDF file.}
    \caption[Full Caption Title for ToC]{Caption title appears in text and is much longer than what appears in the LoF, which is good because this is long.
        \subref{subfig:introFigA} Explaining the first part, then\ldots
        \subref{subfig:introFigB} Explaining the second. But how do I get subcaption titles into the LoF?

for an idea of what I want my LoF to look like, see \fref{fig:example}.

ToC Title for Fig 1.1 \dotfill \pageref{fig:introFig}

\hspace{\LoFindent} subtitle for subfig A

\hspace{\LoFindent} subtitle for subfig B

ToC Title for Fig 1.2 \dotfill \pageref{fig:example}

\caption{What I want my LoF to look like (content-wise, of course)}\label{fig:example}






  1. \subcaptionlistentry额外提供(及文件)
  2. lofdepth在文档中添加一条注释,说明将尊重文档类提供的计数器memoir,即需要将其至少设置为 2 的值
  3. 把这个东西放到 CTAN

