\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 1.5,
every label/.append style = {font = \small},
dot/.style = {outer sep = +0pt, inner sep = +0pt,
shape = circle, draw = black, label = {#1}},
dot/.default =,
small dot/.style = {minimum size = 2.5pt, dot = {#1}},
small dot/.default =,
big dot/.style = {minimum size = 5pt, dot = {#1}},
big dot/.default =
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{\a * sqrt(1 - \e^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\btilde}{\a * sqrt(1 - (\etilde)^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\c}{sqrt(\a^2 - \b^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ctilde}{sqrt(\a^2 - (\btilde)^2)}
\draw[dashed] (-2 * \c, 0) -- (0, 0);
\begin{scope}[rotate around = {\angle:(0, 0)}]
\draw[dashed] (2 * \ctilde, 0) -- (0, 0);
\node[scale = .75, fill = orange, big dot = {below: \(F\)}] (F)
at (0, 0) {};
\node[scale = .75, fill = white, big dot = {below: \(F^*\)}] (FS)
at (-2 * \c cm, 0) {};
\draw[red, thick, name path = r2] (0, 0) circle (1.523679cm);
\draw[blue, thick, name path = r1] (0, 0) circle (1cm);
\draw[name path = ecc2768] (-\c, 0) ellipse (\a cm and \b cm);
\draw[name intersections = {of = ecc2768 and r1}] (F) -- (intersection-1)
coordinate (P1) node[fill, big dot = {right: \(P_1\)}, minimum size = 3pt]
\draw[name intersections = {of = ecc2768 and r2}] (F) -- (intersection-1)
coordinate (P2) node[fill, big dot = {left: \(P_2\)}, minimum size = 3pt]
\draw (P1) -- (P2) node[scale = .75, fill = white, shape = circle, pos = .5]
\draw let
\p0 = (F),
\p1 = (P1),
\p2 = (P2),
\n1 = {atan2(\x1 - \x0, \y1 - \y0)},
\n2 = {atan2(\x2 - \x0, \y2 - \y0)},
\n3 = {.35cm}
in (F) +(\n1:\n3) arc [radius = \n3, start angle = \n1, end angle = \n2]
node[scale = .45, pos = 0.5, above = 10pt] {\pgfmathparse{\n2 - \n1}%
\begin{scope}[rotate around = {\angle:(0, 0)}]
\draw (\ctilde, 0) ellipse (\a cm and \btilde cm);
\node[scale = .75, fill = white, big dot = {above: \(\tilde{F}^*\)}] (FST)
at (2 * \ctilde cm, 0) {};
是否存在一些内置函数可以让我们将椭圆的近侧旋转至交点 P2,将远侧旋转至 P1?
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, calc}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 1.5,
every label/.append style = {font = \small},
dot/.style = {outer sep = +0pt, inner sep = +0pt,
shape = circle, draw = black, label = {#1}},
dot/.default =,
small dot/.style = {minimum size = 2.5pt, dot = {#1}},
small dot/.default =,
big dot/.style = {minimum size = 5pt, dot = {#1}},
big dot/.default =
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{\a * sqrt(1 - \e^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\btilde}{\a * sqrt(1 - (\etilde)^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\c}{sqrt(\a^2 - \b^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ctilde}{sqrt(\a^2 - (\btilde)^2)}
\node[scale = .75, fill = orange, big dot = {below: \(F\)}] (F)
at (0, 0) {};
\draw[draw=none, thick, name path = r2] (0, 0) circle (1.523679cm);
\draw[blue, thick, name path = r1] (0, 0) circle (1cm);
\draw[name path = ecc2768] (-\c, 0) ellipse (\a cm and \b cm);
\draw[name intersections = {of = ecc2768 and r1}] (F) -- (intersection-1)
coordinate (P1) node[fill, big dot = {right: \(P_1\)}, minimum size = 3pt]
\draw [name path = ecc6789unrotated, gray!50, thick] (\ctilde, 0) ellipse (\a cm and \btilde cm);
\draw [name intersections={of=r1 and ecc6789unrotated}]
(intersection-2) circle [radius=1.5pt] node [above] {$P_3$}
[rotate=\n3] (\ctilde, 0) ellipse (\a cm and \btilde cm);
\node at (0,3) {The angle of rotation is: \pgfmathparse{\myangle} $\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}^\circ$};