hyperref 换行问题

hyperref 换行问题


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\section{Implementation and results}
% Implementation and results {{{
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The implementation is one-dimensional Euler equations simulation using Roe
solver written in C++.
The code is located in a public git \cite{Git} repository, url:
Compilation prerequisites and instructions could be found in the
\textit{``ReadMe.md''} file.

OpenCl \cite{OpenCl} is used for the problem computations. Changes to the
solver as well as boundary conditions and initialization data could be applied
without recompilation of the application by modifying \textit{``Kernel.cl''},
which is an OpenCl file.

The boundary conditions are \textit{solid walls} that the fluid reflects at
this boundaries in a particular way,
  p_{0} &= p_{1}, \nonumber \\
  {\rho}_{0} &= {\rho}_{1}, \\
  u_{0} &= -u_{1} \nonumber
for the left boundary. The same approach is applied for the right one.

% References {{{
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  \bibitem{LeVeque} R.J. LeVeque, \emph{Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic
    Problems}, vol. 31, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  \bibitem{Anderson} John D. Anderson, Jr., \emph{Computational Fluid Dynamics,
    The basics with applications}, 1995.
  \bibitem{Git} \emph{Git manual page}, URL: \url{http://gitmanual.org/}.
  \bibitem{OpenCl} \emph{The open standard for parallel programming of
  heterogeneous systems}, URL: \url{http://www.khronos.org/opencl/}.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% References }}}





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