biblatex 从引文中删除 eng。

biblatex 从引文中删除 eng。

我是新手biblatex,我想这样格式化我的引文:1. 引文不带英语在每个参考文献中出现。2. 名字显示为 Smith, JS,而不是 JS Smith



this is an example \cite{perelson1996}




[1] AS Perelson、AU Neumann、M Markowitz、JM Leonard 和 DD Ho.“HIV-1 体内动态:病毒体清除率、受感染细胞寿命和病毒生成时间。”英语Science 271.5255(1996 年),第 1582-1586 页。ISSN:0036-8075(印刷本);0036-8075(链接本)。

以下是原始 bibTex 参考:

Abstract = {A new mathematical model was used to analyze a detailed set of human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1) viral load data collected from five infected individuals after the administration of a potent inhibitor of HIV-1 protease. Productively infected cells were estimated to have, on average, a life-span of 2.2 days (half-life t 1/2 = 1.6 days), and plasma virions were estimated to have a mean life-span of 0.3 days (t 1/2 = 0.24 days). The estimated average total HIV-1 production was 10.3 x 10(9) virions per day, which is substantially greater than previous minimum estimates. The results also suggest that the minimum duration of the HIV-1 life cycle in vivo is 1.2 days on average, and that the average HIV-1 generation time--defined as the time from release of a virion until it infects another cell and causes the release of a new generation of viral particles--is 2.6 days. These findings on viral dynamics provide not only a kinetic picture of HIV-1 pathogenesis, but also theoretical principles to guide the development of treatment strategies.},
Address = {Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM 87545, USA.},
Author = {Perelson, A S and Neumann, A U and Markowitz, M and Leonard, J M and Ho, D D},
Crdt = {1996/03/15 00:00},
Da = {19960425},
Date = {1996 Mar 15},
Date-Added = {2013-06-28 00:45:32 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2013-06-28 21:27:14 +0000},
Dcom = {19960425},
Edat = {1996/03/15},
Gr = {AI27742/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States; N01 AI45218/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States; RR06555/RR/NCRR NIH HHS/United States; etc.},
Issn = {0036-8075 (Print); 0036-8075 (Linking)},
Jid = {0404511},
Journal = {Science},
Jt = {Science (New York, N.Y.)},
Language = {eng},
Lr = {20071114},
Mh = {Antiviral Agents/administration \& dosage/therapeutic use; CD4 Lymphocyte Count; CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/*cytology/*virology; Cell Survival; HIV Infections/drug therapy/*virology; HIV Protease Inhibitors/administration \& dosage/therapeutic use; HIV-1/drug effects/*physiology; Half-Life; Humans; Kinetics; Models, Biological; RNA, Viral/blood; Regression Analysis; Ritonavir; Thiazoles/administration \& dosage/therapeutic use; Valine/administration \& dosage/analogs \& derivatives/therapeutic use; Viremia; Virion/drug effects/*physiology; Virus Replication},
Mhda = {1996/03/15 00:01},
Month = {Mar},
Number = {5255},
Own = {NLM},
Pages = {1582--1586},
Pmid = {8599114},
Pst = {ppublish},
Pt = {Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.; Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.},
Rn = {0 (Antiviral Agents); 0 (HIV Protease Inhibitors); 0 (RNA, Viral); 0 (Ritonavir); 0 (Thiazoles); 7004-03-7 (Valine)},
Sb = {IM; X},
Source = {Science. 1996 Mar 15;271(5255):1582-6.},
Status = {MEDLINE},
Title = {{HIV-1 dynamics in vivo: virion clearance rate, infected cell life-span, and viral generation time.}},
Volume = {271},
Year = {1996}}












this is an example \cite{perelson1996}

