\documentclass[convert = false, border = 1cm]{standalone}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\cs}{sqrt(\as^2 - \bs^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\cl}{sqrt(\al^2 - \bl^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xs}{abs(\cs - \cl)}
\draw (0, 0) ellipse [x radius = \as cm, y radius = \bs cm];
\draw (\xs, 0) ellipse [x radius = \al cm, y radius = \bl cm];
\filldraw[black] (-\cs, 0) circle [radius = .1cm];
\filldraw[black] (-\cl + \xs, 0) circle [radius = .1cm];
使用rotate around
所以我找到了这个帖子为什么按照 Tait-Bryan 约定,使用 tikz-3dplot 在好的平面上绘制的圆弧不是但我不太理解代码。不过,海报能够旋转椭圆,视觉效果更好,海报可以定义它所在的平面,例如xy
\documentclass[convert = false, border = 1cm]{standalone}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\cs}{sqrt(\as^2 - \bs^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\cl}{sqrt(\al^2 - \bl^2)}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\xs}{abs(\cs - \cl)}
\draw (0, 0) ellipse [x radius = \as cm, y radius = \bs cm];
\draw[blue] (-2.5,-2.5) rectangle (3,2.5);
\draw[red] (\xs, 0) ellipse [x radius = \al cm, y radius = \bl cm];
\draw[green] (-3,-2.5) rectangle (5.5,2.5);
\filldraw[black] (-\cs, 0) circle [radius = .1cm];
\filldraw[black] (-\cl + \xs, 0) circle [radius = .1cm];
\verb|xslant| is the high-level version of \verb|\pgftransformxslant|. In \verb|pgfcoretransformations.code.tex| one finds
where \verb|\pgftransformcm{<a>}{<b>}{<c>}{<d>}{<coordinate>}| is the low-level equivalent to
which has the following effect: if \verb|<coordinate>| specifies the point $(t_x,t_y)$, a given point $(x,y)$ will be transformed in $(x',y')$, where
x' \\ y'
\end{bmatrix} =
a & c \\
b & d
x \\ y
t_x \\ t_y
In particular, for \verb|xslant=k|, we have
x' \\ y'
\end{bmatrix} =
1 & k \\
0 & 1
x \\ y
t_x \\ t_y
and from here,
x' &= x + ky + t_x, \\
y' &= y + t_y.
Analogously, one can ontain the transformation associated to \verb|yslant|, taking into account the following definition:
此解决方案要求您指定两个椭圆和一条“相交线”。我最初尝试在 3D 中执行此操作,但蒂克兹在这方面表现并不好。解决方案使用鍵盤用于方便的键值接口。
threedellipsesopt/.is family,%
intersection start/.initial={-0.5,-2},%
intersection end/.initial={1,4},%
ellipse one center/.initial={-1,1},%
ellipse two center/.initial={1,2},%
ellipse one radius a/.initial={4},%
ellipse two radius a/.initial={5},%
ellipse one radius b/.initial={2},%
ellipse two radius b/.initial={1.8},%
ellipse one rotation/.initial=30,%
ellipse two rotation/.initial=-50,%
ellipse one fill/.initial=blue!50!cyan,%
ellipse two fill/.initial=orange!50!yellow,%
ellipse one draw/.initial=blue!50!black,%
ellipse two draw/.initial=orange!50!black,%
\newcommand{\ellkey}[1]% access a specific key by name
\tikzset{threedellipsesopt,#1} % Process Keys passed to command
\path (\ellkey{intersection start}) -- (\ellkey{intersection end});
\path[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},draw=\ellkey{ellipse one draw},rotate=\ellkey{ellipse one rotation}] (\ellkey{ellipse one center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse one radius a} and \ellkey{ellipse one radius b});
\path[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},draw=\ellkey{ellipse two draw},rotate=\ellkey{ellipse two rotation}] (\ellkey{ellipse two center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse two radius a} and \ellkey{ellipse two radius b});
\clip (current bounding box.north west) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south west) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate=\ellkey{ellipse one rotation}] (\ellkey{ellipse one center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse one radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse one radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse one fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\clip (current bounding box.north east) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south east) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate=\ellkey{ellipse two rotation}] (\ellkey{ellipse two center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse two radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse two radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse two fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\clip (current bounding box.north west) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south west) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate=\ellkey{ellipse two rotation}] (\ellkey{ellipse two center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse two radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse two radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse two fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\clip (current bounding box.north east) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south east) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate=\ellkey{ellipse one rotation}] (\ellkey{ellipse one center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse one radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse one radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse one fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\threedellipses{ellipse one draw=black,ellipse two draw=black,ellipse one fill=red,ellipse two fill=green,ellipse one center={0,0},ellipse two center={0,0},ellipse one rotation=45,ellipse two rotation=-45}
编辑1:我修改了代码,现在使用rotate around
threedellipsesopt/.is family,%
intersection start/.initial={-0.5,-2},%
intersection end/.initial={1,4},%
ellipse one center/.initial={-1,1},%
ellipse two center/.initial={1,2},%
ellipse one radius a/.initial={4},%
ellipse two radius a/.initial={5},%
ellipse one radius b/.initial={2},%
ellipse two radius b/.initial={1.8},%
ellipse one rotation/.initial=30,%
ellipse two rotation/.initial=-50,%
ellipse one fill/.initial=blue!50!cyan,%
ellipse two fill/.initial=orange!50!yellow,%
ellipse one draw/.initial=blue!50!black,%
ellipse two draw/.initial=orange!50!black,%
\newcommand{\ellkey}[1]% access a specific key by name
\tikzset{threedellipsesopt,#1} % Process Keys passed to command
\path (\ellkey{intersection start}) -- (\ellkey{intersection end});
\path[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},draw=\ellkey{ellipse one draw},rotate around={\ellkey{ellipse one rotation}:(\ellkey{ellipse one center})}] (\ellkey{ellipse one center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse one radius a} and \ellkey{ellipse one radius b});
\path[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},draw=\ellkey{ellipse two draw},rotate around={\ellkey{ellipse two rotation}:(\ellkey{ellipse two center})}] (\ellkey{ellipse two center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse two radius a} and \ellkey{ellipse two radius b});
\clip (current bounding box.north west) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south west) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate around={\ellkey{ellipse one rotation}:(\ellkey{ellipse one center})}] (\ellkey{ellipse one center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse one radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse one radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse one fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\clip (current bounding box.north east) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south east) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate around={\ellkey{ellipse two rotation}:(\ellkey{ellipse two center})}] (\ellkey{ellipse two center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse two radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse two radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse two fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\clip (current bounding box.north west) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south west) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate around={\ellkey{ellipse two rotation}:(\ellkey{ellipse two center})}] (\ellkey{ellipse two center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse two radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse two radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse two fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
\clip (current bounding box.north east) -| (\ellkey{intersection end}) -- (\ellkey{intersection start}) |- (current bounding box.south east) -- cycle;
\clip[rotate around={\ellkey{ellipse one rotation}:(\ellkey{ellipse one center})}] (\ellkey{ellipse one center}) circle (\ellkey{ellipse one radius a}*1cm-0.2pt and \ellkey{ellipse one radius b}*1cm-0.2pt);
\fill[opacity=\ellkey{opacity},\ellkey{ellipse one fill}] (current bounding box.north east) rectangle (current bounding box.south west);
{ ellipse one center={-1,1},
ellipse two center={-1,2},
ellipse one radius a=2,
ellipse two radius a=1.95,
ellipse one radius b=1.5,
ellipse two radius b=2.25,
ellipse one rotation=-30,
ellipse two rotation=-50,
intersection start={-5,0},
intersection end={5,2},
包的解决方案。它确实是为 3d 旋转而设计的。我的建议是:
%Setting the main coords
%%%The second ellipse
\begin{scope}[canvas is yx plane at z=0]
\draw[red] (0,0) ellipse (1cm and 2cm);
%I don't know exactly why, but I guess the "transform shape" command messes up with the position of the node, so I have to shift it.
\begin{scope}[canvas is yx plane at z=0]
\node[yshift=-30,xshift=1,rotate=90,red,transform shape,sloped] (0,0) {first ellipse};
%%%The second ellipse
%you can set the rotated ellipse in the rotation you want
%this is added to the main coords
%you can set an offset with the x=offset option
\begin{scope}[tdplot_rotated_coords,canvas is yz plane at x=0]
\draw[blue,dashed] (0,-2) -- (0,2);
\draw[blue,dashed] (-2,0) -- (2,0);
\draw[blue,dashed] (0,0) ellipse (1cm and 2cm);
%In case it's written upside down, change yscale to -1
\node[yshift=-20,xshift=10,yscale=1,rotate=90,blue,transform shape,sloped] (0,0) {second ellipse};