带前缀标签的 Natbib-Multibib 问题

带前缀标签的 Natbib-Multibib 问题

natbib我在使用和 标签前缀时遇到了一个问题multibib。我想定义两个书目:一个用于其他人的文献,带有编号的参考文献,另一个用于我自己的文献,也带有编号的参考文献,但每个参考文献前面都有一个前缀“O”(选项multibib labeled)。不使用natbib(仅使用multibib),它可以正常工作。但与 一起使用时natbib,“O”前缀会在文本中消失。在书目中,它仍然存在。我需要使用natbibsort&compress功能。



  author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
    Dynamics Trajectories},
  journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {51 (8)},
  pages = {2007-2023},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {5192-5200},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.12.11}

\usepackage[square, sort&compress, super, comma]{natbib} 

\newcites{O}{Own Publications}


Citing my own literature\citeO{travis}.
Citing other people's literature\cite{welton2001}.



要编译这个,您需要在“main”和“O”上分别运行 bibtex。


这是实现结果的一种方法。 (我复制了您的参考资料以检​​查排序和压缩是否有效。)

你必须记住直到您生成并时,该natbib包才应该被注释。O.bbl<filename>.bbl也就是说,natbib一旦bbl使用 生成文件,就加载包bibtex。否则,\citation条目将只写入<filename>.aux,并且O.bbl将生成没有\bibitem{...}。稍后编辑文件时,您会记住这一点main.bib


  author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
    Dynamics Trajectories},
  journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {51 (8)},
  pages = {2007-2023},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
    Dynamics Trajectories},
  journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {51 (8)},
  pages = {2007-2023},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
    Dynamics Trajectories},
  journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {51 (8)},
  pages = {2007-2023},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  author = {Brehm, M. and Kirchner, B.},
  title = {TRAVIS - A free Analyzer and Visualizer for Monte Carlo and Molecular
    Dynamics Trajectories},
  journal = {J. Chem. Inf. Model.},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {51 (8)},
  pages = {2007-2023},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.11.27}
  author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {5192-5200},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.12.11}
  author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {5192-5200},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.12.11}
  author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {5192-5200},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.12.11}
  author = {L. Cammarata and S. G. Kazarian and P. A. Salter and T. Welton},
  title = {Molecular states of water in room temperature ionic liquids},
  journal = {Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {5192-5200},
  owner = {Brehministrator},
  timestamp = {2011.12.11}

\usepackage[square,sort&compress,super,comma]{natbib} %%Comment on first run


\newcites{O}{Own Publications}

\expandafter\DeclareRobustCommand\csname cite\@suffix\endcsname
      \@ifstar{\NAT@fulltrue\NAT@cites}{\NAT@fullfalse\csname NAT@cites\@suffix\endcsname}}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname NAT@cites\@suffix\endcsname{\@ifnextchar [{\csname NAT@@citetp\@suffix\endcsname}{%
    \csname NAT@@citetp\@suffix\endcsname[]}}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname NAT@citetp\@suffix\endcsname{\@ifnextchar[{\csname NAT@@citetp\@suffix\endcsname}{\csname NAT@@citetp\@suffix\endcsname[]}}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname NAT@@citetp\@suffix\endcsname{}
\expandafter\def\csname NAT@@citetp\@suffix\endcsname[#1]{\@ifnextchar[{\csname @citex\@suffix\endcsname[#1]}{\csname @citex\@suffix\endcsname[][#1]}}
\expandafter\newcommand\csname NAT@set@cites\@suffix\endcsname{%
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    \expandafter\let\csname @citex\@suffix\expandafter\endcsname\csname NAT@citexnum\@suffix\endcsname
\expandafter\newcommand\csname NAT@sep\@suffix\endcsname{,\@suffix}
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\expandafter\def\csname NAT@def@citea\@suffix\endcsname{\def\@citea{\csname NAT@separator\@suffix\endcsname\NAT@space}}%
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\expandafter\def\csname NAT@def@citea@close\@suffix\endcsname{\def\@citea{\NAT@@close\csname NAT@separator\@suffix\endcsname\NAT@space}}%
\expandafter\def\csname NAT@def@citea@box\@suffix\endcsname{\def\@citea{\NAT@mbox{\NAT@@close}\csname NAT@separator\@suffix\endcsname\NAT@spacechar}}%
\expandafter\def\csname NAT@citexnum\@suffix\endcsname[#1][#2]#3{%
       {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
           \advance\@tempcnta by\@ne
       \csname NAT@def@citea\@suffix\endcsname
          \ifx\NAT@last@nm\NAT@nm \NAT@yrsep\NAT@penalty\NAT@space\else
            \@citea \NAT@test{\@ne}\NAT@spacechar\NAT@mbox{\NAT@super@kern\NAT@@open}%
          \csname NAT@def@citea@box\@suffix\endcsname
          \csname NAT@hyper@citea@space\@suffix\endcsname{\NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}}%
          \csname NAT@hyper@citea@space\@suffix\endcsname{\NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}}%
          \csname NAT@hyper@citea@space\@suffix\endcsname\NAT@alias
\csname NAT@set@cites\@suffix\endcsname
\def\mycite{\csname cite\@suffix\endcsname}


Citing my own literature\mycite{travis} and\mycite{travis,travis3} and\mycite[p.~1]{travis,travis3,travis2,travis1} and\mycite{travis,travis3,travis1}
Citing other people's literature\cite{welton2001} and\cite{welton2001,welton20013} and\cite[p.~1]{welton2001,welton20013,welton20012,welton20011} and\cite{welton2001,welton20013,welton20011}.




输出将如下所示: 文本引用 其他人的文学作品 自己的文学作品


这是一个使用 的快速破解方法natbib\citenumfont但这意味着每个人\newcite都需要自己的补丁线。


%% The O{} in this re-definition means "an optional argument
%% with an empty default value". It is not related to the
%% "O" prefix in the OP's example. 
\RenewDocumentCommand{\citeO}{O{} O{} m}{%
  %% The "O" here *is* the prefix as required by the OP's example

