如何在 LaTeX 中生成 Git 存储库的历史图表?

如何在 LaTeX 中生成 Git 存储库的历史图表?

有没有一种相对简单的方法可以在 LaTeX 中生成 git 存储库的历史图表?我正在寻找比逐字输出更美观的东西

git log --graph --oneline


我已经开始尝试在这里给出答案。这将涉及将输出传输$ git log --graph --oneline到文本文件并让 LaTeX 解析该文本文件以获取信息。我们需要确定星号的嵌套级别(分支级别),但我不知道如何实现这一点。

下面是使用我的一个项目中的树的一部分的 MWE:

% gitgraph.txt contains raw output of: $ git log --graph --oneline
* d764b48 added plaintext version in markdown
* 54ba4b2 release 2014-01-25
*   c589395 Merge branch 'master'
| * 9f9c652 Remove holdover from kjh gh-pages branch
* | b3bd158 exclude font files
* 63268c1 micro-typography

\newcommand\commit[2]{\node[commit] (#1) {}; \node[clabel] at (#1) {\texttt{#1}: #2};}
\newcommand\ghost[1]{\coordinate (#1);}
\newcommand\connect[2]{\path (#1) to[out=90,in=-90] (#2);}

\tikzstyle{commit}=[draw,circle,fill=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=5pt]
\tikzstyle{clabel}=[right,outer sep=1em]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[draw]
\matrix [column sep={1em,between origins},row sep=\lineskip]
\commit{d764b48}{added plaintext version in markdown} & \\
\commit{54ba4b2}{release 2014-01-25} & \\
\commit{c589395}{Merge branch `master'} & \\
 & \commit{9f9c652}{Remove holdover from kjh gh-pages branch} \\
\commit{b3bd158}{exclude font files} & \ghost{branch1} \\
\commit{63268c1}{micro-typography} & \\

输出结果如下: 示例输出



由于我正在编写包含多个历史图表的 Git 教程,为了方便起见,我编写了一个名为的小包(基于 TikZ v3.0 构建)gitdags

自动生成(可能很大的)存储库的历史图表不是的目的gitdags相反,该软件包旨在让您轻松绘制漂亮的图形,以演示 Git 命令(如、、、、等checkout)的效果。resetmergerebase

该包本身只不过是一堆 TikZ 样式和几个宏,但由于一些 Stack-Overflow 用户对它表示了兴趣,因此我将代码放在了GitHub,并且我计划在不久的将来将该包裹提交给 CTAN......





      % Commit DAG
      \gitDAG[grow right sep = 2em]{
        A -- B -- { 
          D -- E,
      % Tag reference
        [v0p1]       % node name
        {v0.1}       % node text
        {above=of A} % node placement
        {A}          % target
      % Remote branch
        [origmaster]    % node name
        {origin/master} % node text
        {above=of C}    % node placement
        {C}             % target
      % Branch
        {master}     % node name and text 
        {above=of E} % node placement
        {E}          % target
      % HEAD reference
        {above=of master} % node placement
        {master}          % target

      \gitDAG[grow right sep = 2em]{
        A -- B -- { 
          C -- D' -- E',
          {[nodes=unreachable] D -- E },
      % Tag reference
        [v0p1]       % node name
        {v0.1}       % node text
        {above=of A} % node placement
        {A}          % target
      % Remote branch
        [origmaster]    % node name
        {origin/master} % node text
        {above=of C}    % node placement
        {C}             % target
      % Branch
        {master}      % node name and text 
        {above=of E'} % node placement
        {E'}          % target
      % HEAD reference
        {above=of master} % node placement
        {master}          % target
    \subcaption{\ldots{} and after \texttt{git rebase origin/master}}
  \caption{Demonstrating a typical \texttt{rebase}}



使用Paul Gessler 对这个问题的回答中的想法我延长了 我在 GitHub 上找到的 Michael Hauspie 的解析代码这样它就会产生以下输出:

\tikzstyle{commit}=[draw,circle,fill=white,inner sep=0pt,minimum size=5pt]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[draw]
\tikzstyle{branch}=[draw,rectangle,rounded corners=3,fill=white,inner sep=2pt,minimum size=5pt]
\node[commit, ForestGreen, fill=ForestGreen] (ef1eae1) at (0.0,0) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_ef1eae1) at (ef1eae1.east) {\verb!ef1eae1: Updates my_file.txt for new feature!};
\node[commit, Dandelion, fill=Dandelion] (4f669eb) at (0.5,-0.5) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_4f669eb) at (4f669eb.east) {\verb!4f669eb: Added README file with basic documentation!};
\node[commit, Dandelion, fill=Dandelion] (9216cb2) at (0.5,-1.0) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_9216cb2) at (9216cb2.east) {\verb!9216cb2: Added a start message!};
\node[commit, Red, fill=Red] (77c49c1) at (1.0,-1.5) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_77c49c1) at (77c49c1.east) {\verb!77c49c1: New script added.!};
\node[commit, Dandelion, fill=Dandelion] (167af36) at (0.5,-2.0) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_167af36) at (167af36.east) {\verb!167af36: Added date/time to the final message in the script!};
\path[Dandelion] (167af36) to[out=90,in=-90] (9216cb2);
\path[Dandelion] (167af36) to[out=90,in=-90] (77c49c1);
\node[commit, Dandelion, fill=Dandelion] (a2a2593) at (0.5,-2.5) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_a2a2593) at (a2a2593.east) {\verb!a2a2593: Merge branch 'Feature1'!};
\path[Dandelion] (a2a2593) to[out=90,in=-90] (167af36);
\node[commit, ForestGreen, fill=ForestGreen] (6ea97fa) at (0.0,-3.0) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_6ea97fa) at (6ea97fa.east) {\verb!6ea97fa: Added a line to the Feature1 branch!};
\path[ForestGreen] (6ea97fa) to[out=90,in=-90] (ef1eae1);
\path[ForestGreen] (6ea97fa) to[out=90,in=-90] (4f669eb);
\path[ForestGreen] (6ea97fa) to[out=90,in=-90] (a2a2593);
\node[commit, Dandelion, fill=Dandelion] (9f51c0d) at (0.5,-3.5) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_9f51c0d) at (9f51c0d.east) {\verb!9f51c0d: Added a 'finished' message at the end of the script!};
\path[Dandelion] (9f51c0d) to[out=90,in=-90] (a2a2593);
\node[commit, ForestGreen, fill=ForestGreen] (2e10426) at (0.0,-4.0) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_2e10426) at (2e10426.east) {\verb!2e10426: Added a line of text to my_file.txt.!};
\path[ForestGreen] (2e10426) to[out=90,in=-90] (6ea97fa);
\path[ForestGreen] (2e10426) to[out=90,in=-90] (9f51c0d);
\node[commit, ForestGreen, fill=ForestGreen] (91f1fef) at (0.0,-4.5) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_91f1fef) at (91f1fef.east) {\verb!91f1fef: Converted another_file.txt to a Bash script.!};
\path[ForestGreen] (91f1fef) to[out=90,in=-90] (2e10426);
\node[commit, ForestGreen, fill=ForestGreen] (1ddccf6) at (0.0,-5.0) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_1ddccf6) at (1ddccf6.east) {\verb!1ddccf6: Added a new file and added several lines to my_files.txt.!};
\path[ForestGreen] (1ddccf6) to[out=90,in=-90] (91f1fef);
\node[commit, ForestGreen, fill=ForestGreen] (2f06323) at (0.0,-5.5) {};
\node[right,xshift=10] (label_2f06323) at (2f06323.east) {\verb!2f06323: First commit. Added an important file.!};
\path[ForestGreen] (2f06323) to[out=90,in=-90] (1ddccf6);
\node[branch,right,xshift=10] (Feature1) at (label_4f669eb.east) {\lstinline{Feature1}};
\node[branch,right,xshift=10] (Feature2) at (label_77c49c1.east) {\lstinline{Feature2}};
\node[branch,right,xshift=10] (SubFeature) at (label_ef1eae1.east) {\lstinline{SubFeature}};
\node[branch,right,xshift=10] (master) at (label_9216cb2.east) {\lstinline{master}};


它并不完美,但似乎适用于小型存储库。代码可以在这里找到在 GitHub 上
