我的问题:我有几篇论文的作者名单很长 - 显然 bibtex 无法处理。这是一个最简单的例子:
Author = {Veronique Dehant and Bruce Banerdt and Philippe Lognonn{\'e} and
Matthias Grott and Sami Asmar and Jens Biele and Doris Breuer and Fran{\c c}ois
Forget and Ralf Jaumann and Catherine Johnson and Martin Knapmeyer and Benoit
Langlais and Le Feuvre, Mathieu and David Mimoun and Antoine Mocquet and Peter Read
and Attilio Rivoldini and Oliver Romberg and Gerald Schubert and Sue Smrekar and
Tilman Spohn and Paolo Tortora and Stephan Ulamec and Susanne Vennerstr{\o}m},
Journal = {Planetary and Space Science},
Number = {1},
Pages = {123 - 145},
Title = {Future {Mars} geophysical observatories for understanding its internal
structure, rotation, and evolution},
Volume = {68},
Year = {2012}}