我想在 TikZ 中创建一个对称矩阵,但不想显示上对角线元素。
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning, calc}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, fit}
\matrix [matrix of math nodes, left delimiter=[ ,right delimiter={]}, nodes={outer sep=1pt}] (U) {
0 & \textcolor{white}{9} & \textcolor{white}{3} & \textcolor{white}{6} & \textcolor{white}{11} \\[0.1cm]
9 & 0 & \textcolor{white}{11} & \textcolor{white}{11} & \textcolor{white}{11} \\[0.1cm]
3 & 7 & 0 & \textcolor{white}{11} & \textcolor{white}{11} \\[0.1cm]
6 & 5 & 9 & 0 & \textcolor{white}{11} \\[0.1cm]
11 & 10 & 2 & 8 & 0 \\[0.1cm]
\foreach \x in {1,...,5}{
\node[black, left = 3 mm of U-\x-1] (U-\x-6) {$\x$};
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}{
\node[black, above= 1 mm of U-1-\y] (U-6-\y) {$\y$};
\draw[red] ([shift={(4pt, 2pt)}]U-1-1.north west) -- ([shift={(5pt,2pt)}]U-5-5.south east);
\draw[red] ([shift={(-5pt, -2pt)}]U-1-1.north west) -- ([shift={(-4pt,-2pt)}]U-5-5.south east);
\draw[red] ([shift={(5pt, 2pt)}]U-1-1.north west) -- ([shift={(-5pt,-2pt)}]U-1-1.north west);
\draw[red] ([shift={(5pt, 2pt)}]U-5-5.south east) -- ([shift={(-5pt,-2pt)}]U-5-5.south east);
\node [draw, circle, red] at (U-5-3) {};
\node[black, left = 6 mm of U] {$\mathbf{D}=\left\{ d_{ij}\right\}=$};
您可以在方程中使用 TikZ,由于对角线已满,因此上对角线条目内不需要任何节点。分隔符通常太宽,因此向内稍微移动看起来会更好(意见!)
\mathbf{D}=\{ d_{ij} \}=
every left delimiter/.style={xshift=1mm},
every right delimiter/.style={xshift=-1mm}]
\matrix [matrix of math nodes,
inner sep=0pt,
left delimiter={[},
right delimiter={]},
nodes={inner sep=0,minimum size=6mm,anchor=center}
] (U) {
0& & & & \\
9& 0& & & \\
3& 7& 0& & \\
6& 5& 9& 0& \\
11&10& 2& 8& 0\\
\foreach \x in {1,...,5}{\\
\node[left] at (U-\x-\x.west -| U.west) {$\x$};
\node[above] at (U-\x-\x.north|- U.north) {$\x$};
\draw[red] (U-1-1.north) -- (U-1-1.west) -- (U-5-5.south) -- (U-5-5.east) -- cycle;
\node [draw, circle, red] at (U-5-3) {};