使用 fontspec 指定粗体类型和字体

使用 fontspec 指定粗体类型和字体

当我手动指定应加载的 Linux Libertine O 字体类型时fontspec,粗体类型比我加载完全相同的字体系列作为系统字体时要粗得多。


\setmainfont % load font from path
        Path = C:/Windows/Fonts/,
        Extension = .otf,
        UprightFont = LinLibertine_R,
        BoldFont = LinLibertine_RB,
        ItalicFont = LinLibertine_RI,
        BoldItalicFont = LinLibertine_RBI,
\newfontfamily\libertinesystemfont{Linux Libertine O} % load font from system font

\LARGE{\textbf{A large heading in bold type}}


\LARGE{\textbf{A large heading in bold type}}




. fontspec info: "defining-font"
. Font family 'libertine(0)' created for font 'libertine' with options [ Path
. = C:/Windows/Fonts/, Extension = .otf, UprightFont = LinLibertine_R,
. BoldFont = LinLibertine_RB, ItalicFont = LinLibertine_RI, BoldItalicFont =
. LinLibertine_RBI, ].
. This font family consists of the following shapes:


. * 'bold' with NFSS spec.:
. <->"[C:/Windows/Fonts/LinLibertine_RB.otf]/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;"


. * 'bold italic' with NFSS spec.:
. <->"[C:/Windows/Fonts/LinLibertine_RBI.otf]/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;"


. Font family 'LinuxLibertineO(0)' created for font 'Linux Libertine O' with
. options [].
. This font family consists of the following shapes:


. * 'bold' with NFSS spec.:
. <->"Linux Libertine O/B/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;"


. * 'bold italic' with NFSS spec.:
. <->"Linux Libertine O/BI/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;"


事实证明,当使用 XeLaTeX(而不是 LuaLaTeX)进行编译时,fontspec调用系统字体时不会加载粗体字体,而是加载半粗体字体,尽管文件.log似乎表明已加载常规粗体(B)和粗体斜体(BI)字体,而不是半粗体(Z)和半粗体斜体(ZI)。

\setmainfont % load font from path
        Path = C:/Windows/Fonts/,
        Extension = .otf,
        UprightFont = LinLibertine_R,
        BoldFont = LinLibertine_RZ, % Linux Libertine O Regular Semibold
        ItalicFont = LinLibertine_RI,
        BoldItalicFont = LinLibertine_RZI, % Linux Libertine O Regular Semibold Italic
\newfontfamily\libertinesystemfont{Linux Libertine O} % load font from system font

\LARGE{\textbf{A large heading in bold type}}


\LARGE{\textbf{A large heading in bold type}}



fontspec我不清楚它为什么会这样做,以及为什么在 XeLaTeX 和 LuaLaTeX 中的行为不同。
