

我希望出现摘要两个都在目录中在作品正文的章节顶部。如果可能的话,匹配缩小的字体大小,出去- 缩进首行,并且原始段落的整体缩进会很好。

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我正在研究阿诺德·汤因比 (Arnold Toynbee) 讲座出版物中使用的格式,并将其转录为 LaTeX。

目前,我仅在带有 \small{text} 标签的章节开头添加了描述,例如:

\chapter{I Introductory}

    Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of
    History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.\footnote{The
        fragment of economic history here printed under the title of
        `The Industrial Revolution', a title that Toynbee has himself
        selected for a book, of which the following pages contain some
        of the raw material, consists of notes of lectures delivered by
Toynbee in the hall of Balliol College, Oxford, between October 1881 and
Midsummer 1882.} } \\


目录: http://books.google.com/books?id=rf4OAAAAQAAJ&pg=PR31#v=onepage&q&f=false

主要内容页面: http://books.google.com/books?id=rf4OAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false


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\chapter{Ricardo and the old political economy}
\subsection{Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.}
\subsection{Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.}

\chapter{The industrial revolution}
\subsection[Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.]{Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.\footnote{The
        fragment of economic history here printed under the title of
        `The Industrial Revolution', a title that Toynbee has himself
        selected for a book, of which the following pages contain some
        of the raw material, consists of notes of lectures delivered by
Toynbee in the hall of Balliol College, Oxford, between October 1881 and
Midsummer 1882.}}
\section{England in 1760 --- Population}
\subsection[Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.]{Division of the subject --- Advantages of combining the study of History and Political Economy --- The Deductive Method --- The
    Historical Method --- Importance of a discussion of Method --- Laws
    and precepts relative --- The Social Problems of the Present to be
    borne in mind in studying the history of the Past.\footnote{The
        fragment of economic history here printed under the title of
        `The Industrial Revolution', a title that Toynbee has himself
        selected for a book, of which the following pages contain some
        of the raw material, consists of notes of lectures delivered by
Toynbee in the hall of Balliol College, Oxford, between October 1881 and
Midsummer 1882.}}









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    { \small \it #1 }
