好奇的 xticklabel 样式错误

好奇的 xticklabel 样式错误

我在尝试绘制一个简单的图表时收到了最奇怪的错误。让我给你演示一下 - 这是可行的:



\pgfplotsset{every axis plot post/.append style={line width=1.0pt}}
\pgfplotsset{grid style=dotted}
        [clip marker paths=true,
            legend pos= south east,
            legend columns=1,
            xlabel=time $T$ / s,
            ylabel=losses $Q$ / J/cycle/m,
            xmin=0, xmax=.02,
            ymin=0, ymax=6e-2,
            %xticklabel style={/pgf/number format/.cd,sci}
            %   \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{\tick}%
            %   \pgfmathfloatexp{\pgfmathresult}%
            %   \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}%






\pgfplotsset{every axis plot post/.append style={line width=1.0pt}}
\pgfplotsset{grid style=dotted}
        [clip marker paths=true,
            legend pos= south east,
            legend columns=1,
            xlabel=time $T$ / s,
            ylabel=losses $Q$ / J/cycle/m,
            xmin=0, xmax=.02,
            ymin=0, ymax=6e-2,
            xticklabel style={/pgf/number format/.cd,sci}
            %   \pgfmathfloatparsenumber{\tick}%
            %   \pgfmathfloatexp{\pgfmathresult}%
            %   \pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}%





正如 Jake 所指出的,的最新版本pgfplots与 不一样.cd。对于旧版本(已测试 1.5),它工作正常。请参阅以下 MWE 以了解可能的修复方法。它还修复了 y 轴标签( )的重叠compat=1.8

\listfiles %shows you the version of pgfplots and tikz (if of interest)

            compat=1.8, %fixes y label position
            every axis plot post/.append style={line width=1.0pt},
            grid style=dotted,
            unit marking pre={\!\!/}, %if you want to get the same appearance as in your MWE,
            unit marking post={}, %you can change these two lines to "unit markings=slash space,"


        clip marker paths=true,
        legend pos=south east,
        legend columns=1,
        xlabel=Time $t$, x unit=\si{\second},
        ylabel=Losses $Q$, y unit=\si{(\joule\per cycle \meter}),
        xmin=0, xmax=.02,
        ymin=0, ymax=6e-2,
        %scaled ticks=false, %if the new 1.8 ticks scaling is not desired
        xticklabel style={/pgf/number format/sci}, %changing this line removes the errors. 
        %More info about "Styles for ticks" can be seen in the pgfplots manual starting page 276

