- 这些从交叉点定义的节点出了什么问题?
- 能否使用
% Used for both ellipses and circles
partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{%
insert path = {+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}
% unit vectors
\coordinate (O) at (0, 0);
\draw[-latex] (O) -- (4, 0) node[pos = 1.1, font = \scriptsize] {\(x\)};
\draw[-latex] (O) -- (0, 4) node[pos = 1.1, font = \scriptsize] {\(y\)};
\draw[blue, name path = arc] (O) [partial ellipse = -15:75:3];
\foreach \i/\angle in {1/60, 2/30}{
\path[name path global = line\i] (O) -- (\angle:3.5);
\path[name intersections = {of = arc and line\i, by = P\i}];
\path[name path global = circ\i] (P\i) circle[radius = 1bp];
\filldraw[black] (P\i) circle[radius = .025cm];
\node[coordinate, name intersections = {of = circ1 and arc}] (A1) at
(intersection-1) {};
\node[coordinate, name intersections = {of = circ1 and arc}] (A2) at
(intersection-2) {};
\draw[name intersections = {of = circ1 and arc}, -latex] (P1) --
($(A2)!.75cm!(A1)$) node[pos = 1.125, font = \tiny] {\(\unit{u}\)} coordinate
\draw[-latex] (P1) -- ($(P1)!.75cm!-270:(B1)$) node[pos = 1.125,
font = \tiny] {\(\unit{n}\)};
对于现在遇到的错误,只需在 \foreach 循环中使用以下代码(pgf-manual p.496):
\path[name path global/.expanded = line\i] (O) -- (\angle:3.5);
\path[name intersections/.expanded = {of = arc and line\i, by = P\i}];
\path[name path global/.expanded = circ\i] (P\i) circle[radius = 1bp];
! Paragraph ended before \tikz@intersect@path@names@parse was complete.
键 (\tikz@intersect@path@names@parse) 需要周围的空格,and
如果您使用 ,则空格显然会被剥离of = circ\i and arc
,因此您需要使用of = {circ\i} and arc
% Used for both ellipses and circles
partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{%
insert path = {+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}
% unit vectors
\coordinate (O) at (0, 0);
\draw[-latex] (O) -- (4, 0) node[pos = 1.1, font = \scriptsize] {\(x\)};
\draw[-latex] (O) -- (0, 4) node[pos = 1.1, font = \scriptsize] {\(y\)};
\draw[blue, name path = arc] (O) [partial ellipse = -15:75:3];
\foreach \i/\angle in {1/60, 2/30 }{
\path[name path global= line\i] (O) -- (\angle:3.5);
\path[name intersections = {of = arc and line\i, by = P\i}];
\path[name path global = circ\i] (P\i) circle[radius = 1bp];
\filldraw[black] (P\i) circle[radius = .025cm];
\node[coordinate, name intersections = {of = {circ\i} and arc}] (A1) at (intersection-1) {};
\node[coordinate, name intersections = {of = {circ\i} and arc}] (A2) at (intersection-2) {};
\draw[name intersections/.expanded = {of = {circ\i} and arc}, -latex] (P\i) -- ($(A2)!.75cm!(A1)$) node[pos = 1.125, font = \tiny] {\(\unit{u}\)} coordinate (B1);
\draw[-latex] (P\i) -- ($(P\i)!.75cm!-270:(B1)$) node[pos = 1.125, font = \tiny] {\(\unit{n}\)};