,这是一个两列样式类。但是,与 不同revtex4
不支持 widetext 环境。
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx, color}
\contributor{Submitted to Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}
\issuedate{Issue Date}
\issuenumber{Issue Number}
\title{Title Goes Here.}
\author{First{1}{University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
United Kingdom},
Second{2}{Universidad de Murcia, Bioquimica y Biologia
Molecular, Murcia, Spain}, \and Third\affil{2}{}}
\contributor{Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America}
\keywords{\LaTeX | problems}
\noindent{\bf Significance:} Why?
\dropcap{T}his is some sample text that I want. \lipsum[3]
% this is the wide equation I want to type
Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here.
long math= this\\
&= that\\
&= the other
\[ long expression here\]
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx, color}
\contributor{Submitted to Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}
\issuedate{Issue Date}
\issuenumber{Issue Number}
\title{Title Goes Here.}
\author{First{1}{University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
United Kingdom},
Second{2}{Universidad de Murcia, Bioquimica y Biologia
Molecular, Murcia, Spain}, \and Third\affil{2}{}}
\contributor{Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America}
\keywords{\LaTeX | problems}
\noindent{\bfseries Significance:} Why?
\dropcap{T}his is some sample text that I want. \lipsum[3]
% this is the wide equation I want to type
Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here. Lots of math goes here.
Lots of math goes here.\\
Lots of math goes here.\\
Lots of math goes here. Lots\\
of math goes here. Lots of\\
math goes here.\\
Lots of math goes here.