更改 Minipage 中的字体样式

更改 Minipage 中的字体样式


为了实现这一点,我有一个包含 minipage 的 wrapfig 环境。我想在此 minipage 中设置不同的字体样式。

下面是一个 MWE;它看起来是这样的。例如,我希望红色引文采用 Cabin 字体。

enter image description here


\usepackage{float}                      % Define tables and floating elements
\usepackage{flafter}                    % Never put floats before their references
\usepackage{floatflt}                   % wrap text around floats
\usepackage{wrapfig}                    % wrap text around figures
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color}                     % Enable colors
\usepackage{lipsum}                     % Lorem Ipsum, for placeholder text.


\section{My Section Heading}\label{sec:mysect}

    %%% If the pull quote comes immediately after a section heading, the next three lines are needed, as well as the line after the paragraph
    Among all of the important things that were ever important, this thing is the most important of all of them; or at least the most important of all of them that appear on this page.

    %% if the pullquote came after a section heading, use the following line





完成 MWE(请注意,我刚刚将wrapfig行数从 20 更改为 22,没有像 Dustin 建议的那样进行其他更改)


\usepackage{float}                      % Define tables and floating elements
\usepackage{flafter}                    % Never put floats before their references
\usepackage{floatflt}                   % wrap text around floats
\usepackage{wrapfig}                    % wrap text around figures
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color}                     % Enable colors
\usepackage{lipsum}                     % Lorem Ipsum, for placeholder text.


\section{My Section Heading}\label{sec:mysect}

    %%% If the pull quote comes immediately after a section heading, the next three lines are needed, as well as the line after the paragraph
    Among all of the important things that were ever important, this thing is the most important of all of them; or at least the most important of all of them that appear on this page.

    %% if the pullquote came after a section heading, use the following line



enter image description here



Among all of the important things that were ever important, this thing is the most important of all of them; or at least the most important of all of them that appear on this page.

每当字体大小发生变化时,您必须始终确保段落末尾在同一范围内,否则您将得到大文本,并将其设置为较小的基线,并且行距会非常不均匀。无论如何,您不需要分组,因为 minipage 会为您分组

Among all of the important things that were ever important, this thing is the most important of all of them; or at least the most important of all of them that appear on this page.

