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    % Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
      \caption{Add caption}
        Dependent variable: & $CoJPoD_{sov \ system|sov}$ &       & $\Delta CoJPoD_{sov \ system|sov}$ &       & $CoJPoD_{sov|sov \ system}$ &       & $CoJPoD_{bank \ system|sov}$ &       & $\Delta CoJPoD_{bank \ system|sov}$ &       & $CoJPoD_{sov|bank \ system}$ &  \\
              &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
              & \textbf{(1)} & \textbf{(2)} & \textbf{(3)} & \textbf{(4)} & \textbf{(5)} & \textbf{(6)} & (7)   & (8)   & (9)   & (10)  & (11)  & (12) \\
              &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
        Constant & -11.116*** & -10.212*** & -6.668*** & -5.740*** & 13.194*** & 13.903*** & -7.270*** & -7.551*** & -6.224*** & -6.290*** & 16.927*** & 17.078*** \\
              & (-2.975) & (-3.600) & (-2.980) & (-3.000) & (3.634) & (3.570) & (-2.607) & (-2.931) & (-2.907) & (-3.312) & (4.759) & (3.880) \\
        Market Ret (6 months rolling) (\%) & 0.001*** &       & 0.001*** &       & 0.000 &       & 0.000 &       & 0.000* &       & -0.000* &  \\
              & (3.065) &       & (3.696) &       & (-0.016) &       & (1.086) &       & (1.652) &       & (-1.862) &  \\
        Market Vol (6 months rolling) (\%) & 0.008 &       & 0.009 &       & 0.008 &       & -0.008 &       & -0.002 &       & -0.001 &  \\
              & (0.696) &       & (1.143) &       & (0.464) &       & (-1.049) &       & (-0.301) &       & (-0.083) &  \\
        Market Ret (1 month avg) (\%) &       & 0.025*** &       & 0.020*** &       & -0.020** &       & 0.011** &       & 0.012*** &       & -0.029** \\
              &       & (3.235) &       & (3.606) &       & (-2.118) &       & (2.283) &       & (3.247) &       & (-2.530) \\
        Market Vol (1 month avg) (\%) &       & -0.020*** &       & -0.017*** &       & 0.001 &       & -0.010*** &       & -0.006*** &       & 0.004 \\
              &       & (-4.329) &       & (-5.025) &       & (0.105) &       & (-3.444) &       & (-2.804) &       & (0.449) \\
        Log GDP & 0.913*** & 0.840*** & 0.550*** & 0.475*** & -1.180*** & -1.239*** & 0.602** & 0.626*** & 0.522*** & 0.529*** & -1.492*** & -1.505*** \\
              & (2.922) & (3.529) & (2.960) & (3.008) & (-3.878) & (-3.778) & (2.570) & (2.893) & (2.913) & (3.324) & (-4.890) & (-3.976) \\
        Debt/GDP (\%) & 0.004*** & 0.004*** & 0.002** & 0.002** & 0.004* & 0.004* & 0.003*** & 0.003*** & 0.002** & 0.002** & 0.003 & 0.003 \\
              & (2.836) & (2.861) & (1.981) & (1.975) & (1.775) & (1.764) & (2.657) & (2.689) & (2.062) & (2.075) & (1.540) & (1.566) \\
        Reserve/Debt (\%) & 0.069** & 0.071** & 0.043** & 0.045** & 0.075** & 0.073** & 0.051*** & 0.053*** & 0.036*** & 0.037*** & 0.057** & 0.055** \\
              & (2.512) & (2.372) & (2.130) & (1.964) & (2.405) & (2.367) & (2.974) & (3.099) & (2.746) & (2.803) & (2.204) & (2.202) \\
        Term Spread (\%) & 0.042*** & 0.042*** & 0.038*** & 0.037*** & 0.012 & 0.015** & 0.012*** & 0.010*** & 0.009*** & 0.008*** & -0.003 & -0.002 \\
              & (6.331) & (6.990) & (7.131) & (7.323) & (1.330) & (1.985) & (4.036) & (4.962) & (3.790) & (5.111) & (-0.248) & (-0.186) \\
        VSTOXX (\%) & 0.004*** & 0.004*** & 0.003*** & 0.003*** & 0.008*** & 0.008*** & 0.003*** & 0.003*** & 0.001*** & 0.001*** & 0.007*** & 0.007*** \\
              & (4.920) & (4.380) & (4.450) & (3.916) & (7.650) & (8.089) & (6.285) & (6.200) & (3.514) & (3.497) & (5.211) & (6.388) \\
              &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
        Bank fixed effects & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes \\
        No. of observations & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620 \\
        Adjusted R\^2 & 0.728 & 0.720 & 0.774 & 0.761 & 0.822 & 0.822 & 0.718 & 0.721 & 0.772 & 0.774 & 0.784 & 0.785 \\


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% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
  \caption{Add caption}
%     Dependent variable: &
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{$CoJPoD_{\mathrm{{sov \ system|sov}}}$}&
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\Delta CoJPoD_{\mathrm{sov \ system|sov}}$}&
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{$CoJPoD_{\mathrm{sov|sov \ system}}$}&
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{$CoJPoD_{\mathrm{bank \ system|sov}}$}&
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\Delta CoJPoD_{\mathrm{bank \ system|sov}}$}&
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{$CoJPoD_{\mathrm{sov|bank \ system}}$}\\
%    \midrule
          &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & \textbf{(1)} & \textbf{(2)} & \textbf{(3)} & \textbf{(4)} & \textbf{(5)} & \textbf{(6)} & (7)   & (8)   & (9)   & (10)  & (11)  & (12) \\
          &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
    Constant & -11.116*** & -10.212*** & -6.668*** & -5.740*** & 13.194*** & 13.903*** & -7.270*** & -7.551*** & -6.224*** & -6.290*** & 16.927*** & 17.078*** \\
          & (-2.975) & (-3.600) & (-2.980) & (-3.000) & (3.634) & (3.570) & (-2.607) & (-2.931) & (-2.907) & (-3.312) & (4.759) & (3.880) \\
    Market Ret (6 months rolling) (\%) & 0.001*** &       & 0.001*** &       & 0.000 &       & 0.000 &       & 0.000* &       & -0.000* &  \\
          & (3.065) &       & (3.696) &       & (-0.016) &       & (1.086) &       & (1.652) &       & (-1.862) &  \\
    Market Vol (6 months rolling) (\%) & 0.008 &       & 0.009 &       & 0.008 &       & -0.008 &       & -0.002 &       & -0.001 &  \\
          & (0.696) &       & (1.143) &       & (0.464) &       & (-1.049) &       & (-0.301) &       & (-0.083) &  \\
    Market Ret (1 month avg) (\%) &       & 0.025*** &       & 0.020*** &       & -0.020** &       & 0.011** &       & 0.012*** &       & -0.029** \\
          &       & (3.235) &       & (3.606) &       & (-2.118) &       & (2.283) &       & (3.247) &       & (-2.530) \\
    Market Vol (1 month avg) (\%) &       & -0.020*** &       & -0.017*** &       & 0.001 &       & -0.010*** &       & -0.006*** &       & 0.004 \\
          &       & (-4.329) &       & (-5.025) &       & (0.105) &       & (-3.444) &       & (-2.804) &       & (0.449) \\
    Log GDP & 0.913*** & 0.840*** & 0.550*** & 0.475*** & -1.180*** & -1.239*** & 0.602** & 0.626*** & 0.522*** & 0.529*** & -1.492*** & -1.505*** \\
          & (2.922) & (3.529) & (2.960) & (3.008) & (-3.878) & (-3.778) & (2.570) & (2.893) & (2.913) & (3.324) & (-4.890) & (-3.976) \\
    Debt/GDP (\%) & 0.004*** & 0.004*** & 0.002** & 0.002** & 0.004* & 0.004* & 0.003*** & 0.003*** & 0.002** & 0.002** & 0.003 & 0.003 \\
          & (2.836) & (2.861) & (1.981) & (1.975) & (1.775) & (1.764) & (2.657) & (2.689) & (2.062) & (2.075) & (1.540) & (1.566) \\
    Reserve/Debt (\%) & 0.069** & 0.071** & 0.043** & 0.045** & 0.075** & 0.073** & 0.051*** & 0.053*** & 0.036*** & 0.037*** & 0.057** & 0.055** \\
          & (2.512) & (2.372) & (2.130) & (1.964) & (2.405) & (2.367) & (2.974) & (3.099) & (2.746) & (2.803) & (2.204) & (2.202) \\
    Term Spread (\%) & 0.042*** & 0.042*** & 0.038*** & 0.037*** & 0.012 & 0.015** & 0.012*** & 0.010*** & 0.009*** & 0.008*** & -0.003 & -0.002 \\
          & (6.331) & (6.990) & (7.131) & (7.323) & (1.330) & (1.985) & (4.036) & (4.962) & (3.790) & (5.111) & (-0.248) & (-0.186) \\
    VSTOXX (\%) & 0.004*** & 0.004*** & 0.003*** & 0.003*** & 0.008*** & 0.008*** & 0.003*** & 0.003*** & 0.001*** & 0.001*** & 0.007*** & 0.007*** \\
          & (4.920) & (4.380) & (4.450) & (3.916) & (7.650) & (8.089) & (6.285) & (6.200) & (3.514) & (3.497) & (5.211) & (6.388) \\
          &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
    Bank fixed effects & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes   & Yes \\
    No. of observations & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620   & 620 \\
    Adjusted R\^2 & 0.728 & 0.720 & 0.774 & 0.761 & 0.822 & 0.822 & 0.718 & 0.721 & 0.772 & 0.774 & 0.784 & 0.785 \\





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  • 使用dcolumn包和D列类型将小数点上的数字对齐
  • 使用rotating包和sidewaystable环境而不是lscape
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    % Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
      \caption{Add caption}
\begin{tabular}{@{}l *{12}{D{.}{.}{6}}@{}}
Indep.\ variables & \multicolumn{12}{c@{}}{Dependent variables}\\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\CoJPoD_{(\text{sov system}|\text{sov})}$} &  
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\Delta \CoJPoD_{(\text{sov system}|\text{sov})}$} & 
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\CoJPoD_{(\text{sov}|\text{sov  system})}$} & 
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\CoJPoD_{(\text{bank system}|\text{sov})}$} &
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\Delta \CoJPoD_{(\text{bank system}|\text{sov}}$} &  
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$\CoJPoD_{(\text{sov}|\text{bank system})}$} \\
&\mc{\textbf{(1)}} &\mc{\textbf{(2)}} & \mc{\textbf{(3)}} 
&\mc{\textbf{(4)}} &\mc{\textbf{(5)}} & \mc{\textbf{(6)}} 
&\mc{\textbf{(7)}} &\mc{\textbf{(8)}} & \mc{\textbf{(9)}} 
Constant & -11.116\astiii & -10.212\astiii & -6.668\astiii & -5.740\astiii & 13.194\astiii & 13.903\astiii & -7.270\astiii & -7.551\astiii & -6.224\astiii & -6.290\astiii & 16.927\astiii & 17.078\astiii \\
      & (-2.975) & (-3.600) & (-2.980) & (-3.000) & (3.634) & (3.570) & (-2.607) & (-2.931) & (-2.907) & (-3.312) & (4.759) & (3.880) \\
Market Ret   & 0.001\astiii &       & 0.001\astiii &       & 0.000 &       & 0.000 &       & 0.000\asti &       & -0.000\asti &  \\
\ \ (6 mo rolling)& (3.065) &       & (3.696) &       & (-0.016) &       & (1.086) &       & (1.652) &       & (-1.862) &  \\
Market Vol   & 0.008 &       & 0.009 &       & 0.008 &       & -0.008 &       & -0.002 &       & -0.001 &  \\
\ \ (6 mo rolling)      & (0.696) &       & (1.143) &       & (0.464) &       & (-1.049) &       & (-0.301) &       & (-0.083) &  \\
Market Ret   &       & 0.025\astiii &       & 0.020\astiii &       & -0.020\astii &       & 0.011\astii &       & 0.012\astiii &       & -0.029\astii \\
\ \ (1 mo avg)      &       & (3.235) &       & (3.606) &       & (-2.118) &       & (2.283) &       & (3.247) &       & (-2.530) \\
Market Vol   &       & -0.020\astiii &       & -0.017\astiii &       & 0.001 &       & -0.010\astiii &       & -0.006\astiii &       & 0.004 \\
\ \ (1 mo avg)      &       & (-4.329) &       & (-5.025) &       & (0.105) &       & (-3.444) &       & (-2.804) &       & (0.449) \\
Log GDP & 0.913\astiii & 0.840\astiii & 0.550\astiii & 0.475\astiii & -1.180\astiii & -1.239\astiii & 0.602\astii & 0.626\astiii & 0.522\astiii & 0.529\astiii & -1.492\astiii & -1.505\astiii \\
      & (2.922) & (3.529) & (2.960) & (3.008) & (-3.878) & (-3.778) & (2.570) & (2.893) & (2.913) & (3.324) & (-4.890) & (-3.976) \\
Debt/GDP  & 0.004\astiii & 0.004\astiii & 0.002\astii & 0.002\astii & 0.004\asti & 0.004\asti & 0.003\astiii & 0.003\astiii & 0.002\astii & 0.002\astii & 0.003 & 0.003 \\
      & (2.836) & (2.861) & (1.981) & (1.975) & (1.775) & (1.764) & (2.657) & (2.689) & (2.062) & (2.075) & (1.540) & (1.566) \\
Reserve/Debt  & 0.069\astii & 0.071\astii & 0.043\astii & 0.045\astii & 0.075\astii & 0.073\astii & 0.051\astiii & 0.053\astiii & 0.036\astiii & 0.037\astiii & 0.057\astii & 0.055\astii \\
      & (2.512) & (2.372) & (2.130) & (1.964) & (2.405) & (2.367) & (2.974) & (3.099) & (2.746) & (2.803) & (2.204) & (2.202) \\
Term Spread  & 0.042\astiii & 0.042\astiii & 0.038\astiii & 0.037\astiii & 0.012 & 0.015\astii & 0.012\astiii & 0.010\astiii & 0.009\astiii & 0.008\astiii & -0.003 & -0.002 \\
      & (6.331) & (6.990) & (7.131) & (7.323) & (1.330) & (1.985) & (4.036) & (4.962) & (3.790) & (5.111) & (-0.248) & (-0.186) \\
VSTOXX  & 0.004\astiii & 0.004\astiii & 0.003\astiii & 0.003\astiii & 0.008\astiii & 0.008\astiii & 0.003\astiii & 0.003\astiii & 0.001\astiii & 0.001\astiii & 0.007\astiii & 0.007\astiii \\
      & (4.920) & (4.380) & (4.450) & (3.916) & (7.650) & (8.089) & (6.285) & (6.200) & (3.514) & (3.497) & (5.211) & (6.388) \\
Bank fixed eff. & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes}   & \mc{Yes} \\
No.\ of obs. & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620}   & \mc{620} \\
Adjusted $R^2$ & 0.728 & 0.720 & 0.774 & 0.761 & 0.822 & 0.822 & 0.718 & 0.721 & 0.772 & 0.774 & 0.784 & 0.785 \\

Remark: All independent variables except $\log\text{GDP}$ measured in \%.
%    \end{table}%
%    \end{landscape}
