By Trichonomy, we know that x $>$ 0, x $=$ 0, or x $<$ 0.
$x\not=0$ is given so we are left with two cases:
1--If x$>$0 then $x^2$ $=$ $x\ x$
By order axiom six--if 0$\leq $x and 0$\leq $y then 0$\leq $ $x\ y$--$x^2$ $>$ 0.
2--If x$<$0 then $x^2$ $=$ $$$-1\ x$\ -1$\ x$
$=$ $$-1^2$\ $x^2$$
$=$ $1\ $x^2$$
$=$ $x^2$ $>$ 0, completing the proof.
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\newtheorem{tem}{{\sc Theorem}}
\title{{\bf MA410.F13--Problem Set 1}}
\author{{\bf Lisa Snay }}
\question[10] Prove that if $a\in\R$ and $a\not=0$, then $a^2>0$
By Trichonomy, we know that $x > 0$, $x = 0$, or $x < 0$.
$x\not=0$ is given so we are left with two cases:
1--If $x>0$ then $x^2 = x\ x$
By order axiom six--if $0\leq x$ and $0\leq y$ then $0\leq x\ y$ so $x^2 > 0$.
2--If $x<0$ then $x^2 = -1\ x\ -1\ x
= -1^2\ x^2
= 1\ x^2
= x^2 > 0$, completing the proof.
\title{\textbf{MA410.F13--Problem Set 1}}
\author{\textbf{Lisa Snay }}
\question[10] Prove that if $a\in\R$ and $a\not=0$, then $a^2>0$
By Trichonomy, we know that $x > 0$, $x = 0$, or $x < 0$.
$x\not=0$ is given so we are left with two cases:
1--If $x>0$ then $x^2 = x\ x$
By order axiom six--if $0\leq x$ and $0\leq y$ then $0\leq x\ y$ so $x^2 > 0$.
2--If $x<0$ then
\begin{align}x^2 &= -1 x -1 x\\
&= (-1)^2 x^2\\
&= 1 x^2\\
& = x^2 > 0
\end{align}, completing the proof.