在 tikz 中绘制数据库表

在 tikz 中绘制数据库表

我有点困惑如何使用 tikz 绘制这样的表格。有什么想法吗?




  • 图书馆ext.positioning-plus(用于west below=of),
  • 图书馆ext.node-families(用于),node family/text width [align]
  • 以及我的ext.paths-ortho库(for |-|= vertical horizontal verticaltikz-ext扩展包
  • 图书馆matrix
  • left delimiter从库中重新定义密钥matrixleft delimiter=\{仍然有效)和
  • 一些键/风格。


  arrows.meta,         % current library for arrows
  matrix,              % for delimiters and matrix of nodes
  ext.node-families,   % for node family/text width
  ext.positioning-plus,% for west below=of
  ext.paths.ortho      % for vertical horizontal vertical (|-|)
\tikzset{% always useful
  rows/.style 2 args={
    /utils/temp/.style={row ##1/.append style={nodes={#2}}},
  columns/.style 2 args={
    /utils/temp/.style={column ##1/.append style={nodes={#2}}},
  left delimiter/.style 2 args={append after command={% overwriting original
    \tikz@delimiter{south east}{south west}% second argument is optional
    {every delimiter,every left delimiter,#2}{south}{north}{#1}{.}{\pgf@y}}}}
  >=Latex, node distance=2cm,
  my matrix/.style={
    draw, matrix of nodes,
    left delimiter=\{{label={[anchor=south,rotate=90]left:Relation}},
      node family/text width/.expanded=%
      node family/text width align=left,
      inner xsep=+.5\tabcolsep, inner ysep=+0pt, align=left},
    inner sep=.5\pgflinewidth,
\matrix[my matrix] (m1) {
  branchNo & street        & city     & postcode \\
  B005     &  22 Deer   Rd & London   & SW1 4EH \\
  B007     &  16 Argyll St & Aberdeen & AB2 3SU \\
  B003     & 163 Main   St & Glasgow  & G11 9QZ \\
  B004     &  32 Manse  Rd & Bristol  & BS99 1NZ \\
  B002     &  56 Clover Dr & Lond     & NW10 6EU \\
  my matrix,
  west below=of m1,
  columns={6,...,8}{node family/text width align=right},
  columns={5}{node family/text width align=center}
] (m2) {
  staffNo & fName & IName & position   & sex & DOB       & salary & branchNo \\
  SL21    & John  & White & Manager    & M   & 1-Oct-45  & 30000  & B005     \\
  SG37    & Ann   & Beech & Assistant  & F   & 10-Nov-60 & 12000  & B003     \\
  SG14    & David & Ford  & Supervisor & M   & 24-Mar-58 & 18000  & B003     \\
  SA9     & Mary  & Howe  & Assistant  & F   & 19-Feb-70 &  9000  & B007     \\
  SG5     & Susan & Brand & Manager    & F   & 3-Jun-40  & 24000  & B003     \\
  SL41    & Julie & Lee   & Assistant  & F   & 13-Jun-65 &  9000  & B005     \\

\path[->] node[above=+1cm of m1] (attrib) {Attributes}
  \foreach \col in {1,...,4} {edge (m1-1-\col)};
\path[node distance=.25em, font=\bfseries] node[west above=of m1] {Branch}
                                           node[west above=of m2] {Staff};

\path[<->] (m1-6-1) edge[vertical horizontal vertical, ortho/ratio=.65, above]
  node[pos=.3333] {Primary key} node[pos=.6667] {Foreign key} (m2-1-8)
  ([yshift=-.25cm] m1.south west) edge node[below] {Degree}
                                             ([yshift=-.25cm] m1.south east)
  ([xshift=.25cm] m1-1-4.south east) edge node[rotate=90,below] {Cardinality}
                                             ([xshift=.25cm]  m1.south east);


