

由于我的 LaTeX 方程式相当大,我决定按以下方式增加其大小:

       bla bla bla bla              
text text text



这是缩小等式的错误方法。如果您注意的话,等式上方的线条间距会不规则。您看到的小空格是 之后的行尾\end{small}




另外,eqnarray不建议使用;提供的对齐环境amsmath肯定更好。我也不建议使用\begin{small}\end{small}<blank line>{\small ...\par}在需要时使用(如果要排版段落,或者{\small ...}在正常大小的段落内)。



Some text and some text and some text and some text and some text 
and some text and some text and some text and some text and some 
text and some text and some text and some text and some text and 
some text and some text and some text and some text and some text
 a\ very\ very\ long\ equation\ that\ we\ want\ smaller
some text and some text and some text and some text and some text 
and some text and some text and some text and some text and some 
text and some text and some text and some text and some text and 
some text and some text and some text and some text and some text


Some text and some text and some text and some text and some text 
and some text and some text and some text and some text and some 
text and some text and some text and some text and some text and 
some text and some text and some text and some text and some text
a\ very\ very\ long\ equation\ that\ we\ want\ smaller
some text and some text and some text and some text and some text 
and some text and some text and some text and some text and some 
text and some text and some text and some text and some text and 
some text and some text and some text and some text and some text



