如何将 moderncv 页脚的副本添加到文章文档类?

如何将 moderncv 页脚的副本添加到文章文档类?

我想创建一个带有页脚的文章文档,就像 moderncv 中的一样,见图。有人知道我该怎么做吗?它不一定非要与 moderncv 中的完全相同,但要类似。




        \vspace{\baselineskip}% forces a white line to ensure space between main text and footer (as footer height can't be known in advance)
        \vspace{-\baselineskip}% to cancel out the extra vertical space taken by the name (below) and ensure perfect alignment of letter and cv footers
        \strut{\bfseries\upshape\@firstname~\@lastname}\\% the \strut is required to ensure the line is exactly \baselineskip tall
          \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtofooter[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
        \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
          \addtofooter{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
        \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link
          \addtofooter{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\footerboxwidth=0pt}}{}{\flushfooter}% the lengthtest is required to avoid flushing an empty footer, which could cause a blank line due to the \\ after the address, if no other personal info is used



      \vspace{\baselineskip}% forces a white line to ensure space between main text and footer (as footer height can't be known in advance)
      \vspace{-\baselineskip}% to cancel out the extra vertical space taken by the name (below) and ensure perfect alignment of letter and cv footers
      \strut{\bfseries\upshape firstname~lastname}\\% the \strut is required to ensure the line is exactly \baselineskip tall
      street number~city\\
  }%end parbox
}%end fancyfoot


