我正在写论文,并使用了几何学包来控制文本主体的大小,以便它遵循 KOMA-script 文档中描述的“良好”排版实践。
我的许多图形都是全页浮动图形,其高度高于文本高度。因此,我一直在使用 newgeometry/restoregeometry 和后页命令来调整页面布局并确保图形适当地放置在文档中。
这样做很好,只是在紧接着图表的页面上,文本“延伸”到了底部边缘。我在下面提供了 MWE。请注意第四页的格式不正确。(我使用的是 pdfLaTeX)。
在我看来好像 restoregeometry 命令没有被正确执行。
% Calculate type area for page
\geometry{ bindingoffset = 8mm,
heightrounded = true,
body = {125mm, 125mm * 16 / 9},
marginratio = {9:16, 9:16},
marginparsep = 5mm,
marginparwidth = 30mm,
headsep = 10mm,
headheight = 10mm,
footskip = 15mm }
\KOMAoptions{fontsize = 11pt}
% Chapters open on right.
\KOMAoptions{open = right}
% \cleardoublepage command uses the empty page style
\KOMAoptions{cleardoublepage = empty}
% Don't typeset the Chapter and Appendix prefixes
\KOMAoptions{chapterprefix = false}
\KOMAoptions{appendixprefix = false}
% We also avoid having running heads and page numbers on float pages by using the floatpage
% package to make float pages use the empty page style.
% For dummy text
% For good control of floats
% Allow floats to hang into the outer margin
% For control of caption formatting
% End Preamble
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{First Section}%
% Add a full page figure. I want the preceeding page to be full of text so
% use the afterpage command. Also as the figure is taller than the page height
% I use the newgeometry/savegeometry/restoregeometry commands.
\newgeometry{bindingoffset = 8mm,
body = {125mm, 125mm * 16 / 9 + 10mm + 15mm},
headsep = 0mm,
footskip = 0mm}%
{\caption{First sub-figure}}%
{\caption{Second sub-figure }}%
{\caption{Main caption of the figure. In reality this runs to two lines long so I'm just filling in space here with meaningless text.}}%
% Next section
\section{Second Section}%
\section{Third Section}%
我认为您不需要 afterpage 和 restoregeometry。使用负空间来移动图形并避免过多的框消息。例如
\section{First Section}%
\vspace{-2cm}%move up
\begin{minipage}[t][\dimexpr \textheight + 3cm]{\textwidth}
\caption{Main caption of the figure. In reality this runs to two lines long so I'm just filling in space here with meaningless text.}%
\vspace{-3cm}%avoid "float to large"