我正在使用以下模板(来自简历中的“参考”部分)。问题是我只有 3 个引用,所以我想将它们和谐地放在一行中。我考虑使用多列(自动设置正确的列宽),但我不知道该如何继续。
\usepackage{marvosym} % For cool symbols.
% Referee 1
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
% Referee 2
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
\\ % Additional newline for spacing.
% Referee 3
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
这是包含所有这些内容和示例代码的 MWE。
\usepackage[a5paper, landscape]{geometry} % demo only
\usepackage{lipsum} % demo only
\usepackage{marvosym} % For cool symbols.
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}
Prof.\ X Y\\
Place A\\
Location B\\
Country and Postcode\\
\Telefon\ +00 1 234 5678\\
\Letter\ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{X\textrm{@}A.ac.jp}