

我使用该todonotes软件包来跟踪需要由不同人员完成的工作。目前,我使用前缀和颜色来跟踪谁负责什么。但是,我更希望为所有参与人员提供单独的列表。我还没有找到todonotes可用于实现此目的的软件包选项 - 使用此软件包或其他软件包是否可行?




\newcommand{\alicetodo}[1]{\todo[color=green!40]{Alice: #1}}
\newcommand{\bobtodo}[1]{\todo[color=blue!40]{Bob: #1}}



为了解决这个问题,我回答了标记草稿文本的可靠方法是什么?并将其推广到多个 TODO 列表。要实现此功能,用户必须提前声明 TODO 项的收件人,如下所示:



\TODO{Steven}{blah blah...}%

这将在文本中的该位置以适当的颜色进行简写,以“A”表示第一项,“B”表示下一项,依此类推。在文档结束时,可以逐个收件人回顾 TODO 列表内容,例如使用


结果显示在下面的 MWE 中。TODO 使用宏\markabove\markbelow,它们可以在 TODO 设置之外单独使用。这两个宏将颜色作为可选参数,将水平对齐作为第一个强制参数,将符号本身作为第二个参数。

  \expandafter\gdef\csname TODOname\romannumeral\theTODOpointers\endcsname{%
  \expandafter\gdef\csname TODOcolor\romannumeral\theTODOpointers\endcsname{%
  \expandafter\edef\csname #1TODO\endcsname{\tmp}%
  \edef\thenameindex{\csname #1TODO\endcsname}%
  \def\thetmp{\csname thetodoindex\romannumeral\thenameindex\endcsname}%
    \csname todo.\thenameindex.\romannumeral\thetmp\endcsname{#2}%
  \markabove[\csname TODOcolor\romannumeral\thenameindex\endcsname]%
  \edef\thenameindex{\csname #1TODO\endcsname}%
  \def\thetmp{\csname thetodoindex\romannumeral\thenameindex\endcsname}%
    \csname TODOcolor\romannumeral\thenameindex\endcsname}%
    {\csname TODOname\romannumeral\thenameindex\endcsname's %
    TO-DO LIST}\rule{10ex}{.5ex}\par\noindent%
  \whiledo{\value{index} < \value{todoindex\romannumeral\thenameindex}}{%
    \markabove[\csname TODOcolor\romannumeral\thenameindex\endcsname]{c}%
       {\Alph{index}} %
       \csname todo.\thenameindex.\romannumeral\theindex\endcsname\\%


When writing documents\footnote{Note,
  \TODO{Peter}{This note is intended for you}%
this is a copy of the OP's
  \markbelow{c}{That is the name for the questioner}%
text}, I like to 'mark up'
\markabove{c}{Does anybody know what he means by this?}%
draft/partial text (e.g., short summaries
  \TODO{Steven}{I am using the TODO macro for longer notes that 
  do not fit into a single line, or are otherwise inconvenient 
  to make short}%
of what will go in a section) so that I can clearly
  \TODO{Paul}{is it really the case that you can clearly see it?}%
see what needs to be 
adjusted. I know that things like the todonotes package exist
  \TODO{Paul}{I would like to learn more about this package.
  Please fill me in}%
(see this question, for example), but I want something
\markbelow{r}{, anything actually,}%
that can span arbitrary parts of the document (e.g., multiple 
paragraphs or even sections with whatever text is in there).

I have been using the color package's \verb|\color| 'switch'
  \TODO{Steven}{I presume you actually meant that you are using 
  the \textsf{xcolor} package, since it improves upon the 
  functionality of the former package.}%
to do this (with an alternate \verb|\textcolor| based 
command for short inline bits of text), with commands like this:


However, this has problems in various situations (such as 
footnotes, URLs, tables),
  \TODO{Peter}{Exactly what kind of problems is he referring 
  to here?  I'd like a write up in the morning.}%
some dependent on the particular 
other packages used. (See this question and this one.)%
  \markabove{r}{I'm sorry, but the links didn't show}%

Does anyone have any ideas on a robust alternative I could 
use? I would prefer not to use marginal lines (as used to 
indicate changes) so that it is clear exactly which bits of 
text, figures, etc. are included. Differently-coloured
  \markbelow{l}{and lapped, I think}%
text was the obvious choice for me.

There's a chance that my outstanding question will get an 
answer that 'fixes' my explicit \verb|\color| usage (though 
I imagine with lots of very arcane low-level TeX) but 
obviously a pre-existing package or simple LaTeX that 
achieves the same or similar effect would be better.
  \TODO{Peter}{I'm sorry, but I made an unauthorized draft
  on your funds today.}~
  \TODO{Paul}{You paycheck is ready for pick-up}%



