




\newacronym{FEA}{FEA}{Finite Element Analysis}
    ...this includes a \gls{FEA} tool to...    % first use of term
    ...the \gls{FEA} tool...                   % subsequent uses of term, want to hyperlink to first use above within PDF


我建议你升级到最新版本glossaries(撰写本文时为 v4.01)并尝试以下操作:



% Switch off hyperlinks for all uses of \gls etc.
% Hyperlinks will be inserted manually in the custom display style


      {% subsequent use
       % Assuming all acronyms are written in upper case, so
       % not bother to check for case changes.
        {% subsequent use, plural
        {% subsequent use, singular
      {% first use
        {% first use, plural
          {% no case change
          {% first letter upper case
          {% all caps
        {% first use, singular
          {% no case change
          {% first letter upper case
          {% all caps
    {% \glsdisp used
      {% subsequent use
      {% first use


\newacronym{FEA}{FEA}{Finite Element Analysis}


First use: \gls{FEA}.

Next use: \gls{FEA}.









 {\glsxtrprotectlinks \glsdohypertarget{#1}{#2}}}

\newacronym{FEA}{FEA}{Finite Element Analysis}


First use: \gls{FEA}.

Next use: \gls{FEA}.







\newacronym{FEA}{FEA}{Finite Element Analysis}


First use: \gls{FEA}.

Next use: \gls{FEA}.

No hyperlink: \gls*{FEA}.

Another use: \gls{FEA}.




\setacronymstyle在我的文档中,我在文本中多次使用,因此我可以将首字母缩略词 first use 输出从 long-short 更改为 short-long。请注意,使用时有一个非常微妙的错误@Nicola Talbot的答案是:

一旦使用\setacronymstyle,首先 .glsdefs 文件中的“名称”条目会发生变化:

$ grep name test.glsdefs
name={\acronymfont {\glsentryshort {JAA2}}},%
name={\acronymfont {\glsentryshort {JAA3}}},%
name={\acronymfont {\glsentryshort {JAA4}}},%

...但这似乎不是什么大问题——事实上,使用该命令后,格式命令从包含和\gls@acronym@entryfmt的“独立”代码变为最终调用例如,这是类似的“独立”代码,但不使用超链接目标(显然是因为)。据我所知,在使用时尝试解决这个问题是可能的——也就是说,可以恢复超链接,但在这种情况下不会有任何效果(即长-短不会更改为短-长)。\glshyperlink\glstarget\GlsUseAcrEntryDispStyle {long-short}\glsgenacfmt\setkeys{glslink}{hyper=false}\setacronymstyle\setacronymstyle

编辑:实际上,修复方法似乎是在下面 MWE 中使用:

% \let\glsgenacfmt\oldglsgenacfmt % this allows that the short-long effect is back; but unfortunately there are no hyperlink targets in it
\def\glsgenacfmt{\glstarget{\glslabel}{\oldglsgenacfmt}} % this makes link targets work!


下面是一个证明这一点的 MWE(参见里面的评论):


\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=mycolr, filecolor=mycolr, linkcolor=mycolr, urlcolor=mycolr}

% nomain "This suppresses the creation of the main glossary and associated .glo file, if unrequired."
% hyperfirst "This is a boolean option that specifies whether each term has a hyperlink on first use."
% acronym "This creates a new glossary with the label acronym."

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/140666/glossaries-hyperlink-to-first-entry-not-list-of-acronyms
% Switch off hyperlinks for all uses of \gls etc.
% Hyperlinks will be inserted manually in the custom display style


      {% subsequent use
       % Assuming all acronyms are written in upper case, so
       % not bother to check for case changes.
        {% subsequent use, plural
        {% subsequent use, singular
      {% first use
        {% first use, plural
          {% no case change
          {% first letter upper case
          {% all caps
        {% first use, singular
          {% no case change
          {% first letter upper case
          {% all caps
    {% \glsdisp used
      {% subsequent use
      {% first use


    newacronym #1 is:
    \\newacronym #1 is:
    gls #1 is:
    \\@gls #1 is:
    gls@acronym@entryfmt #1 is:
    glsgenacfmt #1 is:
    glsgenentryfmt #1 is:
% \GlsUseAcrEntryDispStyle: macro:#1->\csuse {@glsacr@dispstyle@#1}
% \@glsacr@dispstyle@long-short: macro:->\ifglshaslong {\glslabel }{\glsgenacfmt }{\glsgenentryfmt }
% default: gls@acronym@entryfmt



% \let\oldnewacronym\newacronym% no can do; doesn't actually change (protected)

Testing first:
\newacronym{JAA1}{JAA1}{just another acronym One}%

\setacronymstyle{long-short} % this changes things!!! kills all the hyperlinks, even if there is a previously correct .glsdefs file (generated if this line is commented)!

Testing second:
\newacronym{JAA2}{JAA2}{just another acronym Two}%

% \let\oldglsgenacfmt\glsgenacfmt % now in preamble
\let\glsgenacfmt\oldacronymentryfmt % this restores all hyperlinks again, but the second one will be broken!
Testing third:
\newacronym{JAA3}{JAA3}{just another acronym Three}%

\setkeys{glslink}{hyper=true}% no effect
\setacronymstyle{short-long} % now does not kill links, but has no effect
\let\glsgenacfmt\oldglsgenacfmt % this allows that the short-long effect is back; but unfortunately there are no hyperlink targets in it
Testing fourth:
\newacronym{JAA4}{JAA4}{just another acronym Four}%
\let\glsgenacfmt\oldacronymentryfmt % again this, to restore links for below commands

Testing refs: \gls{JAA1} and \gls{JAA2} and \gls{JAA3} and \gls{JAA4} % here 1 and 3 work, 2 and 4 are broken

