


我们可以有三种类型的列排版。参见下图: 在此处输入图片描述

上面的图像是使用以下 LaTeX 代码创建的:


    %usage \choice{ }{ }{ }{ }
            (A)~#1 & (B)~#2 & (C)~#3 & (D)~#4

            (A)~#1 & (B)~#2
            (C)~#3 & (D)~#4

            (A)~#1 \par (B)~#2 \par (C)~#3 \par (D)~#4




    Another Question:
    \choice{apple}{banana}{orang, eeeeeeeee}{pear}
    Third Question:
    \choice{apple}{banana}{orange, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee}{pear}




 What do you like best?
   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange
   \choice0 pear
What do you like best?..................................(B)
A. apple    B. banana    C. orange   D. pear

 What do you like best?
   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orang, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear
What do you like best?..................................(B)
A. apple                B. banana    
C. orange, eeeeeeeee    D. pear

 What do you like best?
   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear
What do you like best?..................................(B)
A. apple                
B. banana    
C. orange, orange, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee
D. pear


附录:我想到了一个通用的方法,即:当 LaTeX 解析器看到 或\choice0\choice1,它可以将后面的文本放在一个标记列表中,然后在离开问题或选择环境时,所有四个标记列表将根据它们的长度进行排版,但抱歉我不熟悉 LaTeX 编程。(该exam软件包没有我想要的这种功能,所以这就是我在这里询问的原因。)

编辑:因为 egreg 给了我以紧凑方式对齐四个选项的答案。我仍然看到在问题标题后放置虚线并可选择在那里放置正确答案或空白括号的一些改进。因此,对于 egreg 的源代码,如果我这样写:

This is the question.\par
\choice0 apple
\choice1 banana
\choice0 orange
\choice0 pear

Or, it is better to put the question before the choices environment.
This is the question.
\choice0 apple
\choice1 banana
\choice0 orange
\choice0 pear

I would suggest that the output should be:

This is the question...................................( )
A. apple                B. banana    
C. orange, eeeeeeeee    D. pear

Or if need to show the correct answer
This is the question...................................(B)
A. apple                B. banana    
C. orange, eeeeeeeee    D. pear 


编辑2: 正如 minthao_2011 在评论中所说,下面的代码存在一些问题,长选择不会换行,请参见下面的图片。 长期选择问题


  \ifnum\value{choices}>0 \hfill\fi\egroup
  \hbox to\choiceslen


   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange
   \choice0 pear

   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orang, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear


   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear

\choice0 This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 
\choice1 This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 
\choice0 This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 
\choice0 This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 



带有environ一些低级的 TeX。


  \ifnum\value{choices}>0 \hfill\fi\egroup
  \hbox to\choiceslen


   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange
   \choice0 pear

   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orang, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear


   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear





在越南,作者 Nguyen Huu Dien 有一个包。你可以在这里下载http://www.mediafire.com/download/5mxmnzty4jm/dethitracnghiem.zip. 网站首页是http://nhdien.wordpress.com/

\usepackage{amsmath,amsxtra,latexsym, amssymb, amscd}
\usepackage{dethi} %Gói lệnh cho đề thi Việt Nam
\Fullpages %Định dạng trang đề thi

\SectionPrefix{\relax }

\loaidethi{K51 (ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC)}
\thoigian{Time: 90''}



 \begin{multiplechoice}[title={\it Choose the correct answer of each question} , rearrange=yes , keycolumns=6]%

$2 + 2 = $

This is a question \datcot[2]
{\sai{Wrong answer.}}
{\dung{Right answer.}}
{\sai{Wrong answer.}}
{\sai{Wrong answer.}}

This is a question \datcot
{\sai{Long question  Long question   Long question   Long question   answer.}}
{\dung{Long question  Long question   Long question   Long question   answer.}}
{\sai{Long question  Long question   Long question   Long question   answer. }}
{\sai{Long question  Long question   Long question   Long question   answer .}}



\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm] {geometry}

\centerline{\textbf{\fontsize{13}{0}\selectfont Manchester University}}
\centerline{\fontsize{13}{0}\selectfont Let's try}
\centerline{(\textit{Test containts \sotrang\ page(s)})}
\centerline{\textbf{\fontsize{13}{0}\selectfont Year 2013 - 2014}}
\centerline{\textbf{\fontsize{12}{0}\selectfont Subject: Math}}
\centerline{\textit{\fontsize{12}{0}\selectfont Times for Test: 90 minustes}}
\fbox{\bf Code of Test \made}
\textbf{Name of student:}\dotfill\\
The real  solutions of the equation $x^2 - 2x - 3 = 0$ are
\boncot{$-1$ and $3$}{$1$ and $3$}{$1$ and $-3$}{$1$ and $3$}

The real solutions of the equation $x^2 - 2x - 3 = 0$ are
\haicot{$-1$ and $3$}{$1$ and $3$}{$1$ and $-3$}{$1$ and $3$}

The real solutions of the equation $x^2 - 2x - 3 = 0$ are
\motcot{$-1$ and $3$}{$1$ and $3$}{$1$ and $-3$}{$1$ and $3$}

This is a long question  This is a long question This is a long question 
\motcot{This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question}{This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question}{This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question}{This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question This is a long question}



  • motcot:一列;
  • haicot:两列;
  • boncot:四列。修复Tex后,使用Ex_test.batch在此处输入图片描述 运行程序。可以制作多个版本。


该解决方案与 egreg 的解决方案类似,但对长项目和语法进行了一些细微的改进。


\newif\ifshowsolution \showsolutiontrue
  \hbox to \choiceitemwidth\bgroup\refstepcounter{choiceitem}\makechoicelabel#1}
  \else % \choiceitemwidth > 0.5\columnwidth


text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
\item* foo
\item bar
\item* baz
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
\item* foo
\item bar
\item* foo
\item bar
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
\item* foo
\item bar
\item* foo
\item bar with long long text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text
\item* foo
\item bar
\item* baz
\item text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text


\item* foo
\item bar
\item* foo
\item bar



@egreg @minthao_2011 我甚至没有考虑多行答案。



  \ifnum\value{choices}>0 \hfill\fi\egroup
  \hbox to\choiceslen


   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange
   \choice0 pear

   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orang, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear


   \choice0 apple
   \choice1 banana
   \choice0 orange, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee, eeeeeeeee
   \choice0 pear

    This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 
    This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 
    This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 
    This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. This is a very long question. 

