BibLaTeX 没有写出参考书目

BibLaTeX 没有写出参考书目

我在 main.tex 文件中使用以下内容:

\graphicspath{ {images/} }

\DefineBibliographyStrings{danish}{andothers = {et\addabbrvspace al\adddot}}

在我的 references.bib 文件中我有:

    author        = {N. Edwards, P.},
    title         = {History of climate modeling},
    journaltitle  = {WIREs Clim Change},
    year          = {2011},
    volume        = {2},
    pages         = {128--139},
    doi           = {10.1002/wcc.95}

    author        = {M. Flato, G.},
    title         = {Earth system models: an overview},
    journaltitle  = {WIREs Clim Change},
    year          = {2011},
    volume        = {2},
    pages         = {783--800},
    doi           = {10.1002/wcc.148}

    author    = {Heymann, M. and Sandøe, P. and Andersen, H.},
    title     = {What is climate science all about? Philosophical perspectives},
    booktitle = {Jorden Brænder},
    editor    = {Gjerris, M. and Gamborg, C. and Olesen, J.E. and Wolf, J.},
    publisher = {Forlaget Alfa},
    address   = {Frederiksberg},
    year      = {2009},
    pages     = {65--67}

    author    = {Heymann, M.},
    title     = {Climate science – how did it come about?},
    booktitle = {Jorden Brænder},
    editor    = {Gjerris, M. and Gamborg, C. and Olesen, J.E. and Wolf, J.},
    publisher = {Forlaget Alfa},
    address   = {Frederiksberg},
    year      = {2009},
    pages     = {69--87}

    author    = {Le Treut, H. and Somerville, R. and Cubasch, U. and Ding, Y. and Mauritzen, C. and Mokssit, A. and Peterson, T. and Prather, M.},
    title     = {Historical Overview of Climate Change},
    booktitle = {Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report
    of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change},
    editor    = {Solomon, S. and Qin, D. and Manning, M. and Chen, Z. and Marquis, M. and Averyt, K.B. and Tignor, M. and Miller, H.L.},
    publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
    address   = {Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA},
    year      = {2007},
    pages     = {95--122}

在我的 main.tex 文件底部有:





当我构建并查看我的 main.tex 时,我没有收到任何错误,但仍然没有打印参考书目。我在 \printbibliography 所在的行中收到了一些警告,内容如下:

Empty bibliography

There were undefined references.

Please (re)run Biber on the file:(biblatex) main(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

我正在使用最新版本的 TeXstudio,直到最近我才真正能够打印出参考书目。

我不完全确定如何“(重新)运行 Biber...”正如警告中所说,但我已经清理了所有辅助文件,尝试重新启动 TeXstudio 等等。


