使用 hyperref 和 bibentry 时如何处理 url 中的 % 符号

使用 hyperref 和 bibentry 时如何处理 url 中的 % 符号

在我的一些引文中,url 中有一个 % 符号,这在使用环境时会出现问题bibentry(段落在 \BR@c@bibitem 完成之前结束)。我该如何处理 % 符号?如果 url 中的参考文献不包含 %,则一切正常。而且,不使用 %bibentry也不会出现问题。使用不同的书目样式(如 unsrt)时,% 符号也不会出现问题,因为 unsrt 不使用 url 信息(我不想这样做)。(可以在以下位置找到书目样式 statto这里,使用 时也会出现同样的问题plainnat)。\begin{NoHyper}\bibentry{goossens93}\end{NoHyper}最好不要使用 来超链接到网站,但我不知道这是否可行。

    author = "Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens  and Johannes Braams and David Carlisle  and Chris Rowley",
    title = "The {LaTeX} Companion",
    year = "1993",
    publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
    address = "Reading, Massachusetts"

  title = {Organic Field Effect Transistors - Theory, Fabrication and Characterization},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2009},
  author = {Kymissis, Ioannis},
  abstract = {Organic Field Effect Transistors discusses the fundamental mechanisms
    that apply to {OFETs} fabrication, operation, and characterization.
    This unique book presents the state-of-the-art in organic field effect
    transistors ({OFETs)} with ...},
  isbn = {9780387921341},
  keywords = {Circuits and Systems, Fabrication and Characterization, Organic Chemistry,
    Organic Field Effect Transistors - Theory, Technology \& Engineering
    / Engineering (General)},
  language = {English},
  shorttitle = {Organic Field Effect Transistors},
  timestamp = {2013.10.07},
  url = {http://www.springer.com/engineering/circuits+%26+systems/book/978-0-387-92133-4}



A full in-text cite of

A regular citation of \cite{goossens93}.

Problematic cite \cite{Kymissis__2009}






  author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens and Johannes Braams
            and David Carlisle and Chris Rowley},
  title = {The {LaTeX} Companion},
  year = {1993},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  address = {Reading, Massachusetts},

  title = {Organic Field Effect Transistors - Theory, Fabrication and Characterization},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2009},
  author = {Kymissis, Ioannis},
  abstract = {Organic Field Effect Transistors discusses the fundamental mechanisms
    that apply to {OFETs} fabrication, operation, and characterization.
    This unique book presents the state-of-the-art in organic field effect
    transistors ({OFETs)} with ...},
  file = {Snapshot:C:\Documents and Settings\haehlen_t\My Documents\Papers\Zotero\storage\KV3VMKEJ\978-0-387-92133-4.html:text/html},
  isbn = {9780387921341},
  keywords = {Circuits and Systems, Fabrication and Characterization, Organic Chemistry,
    Organic Field Effect Transistors - Theory, Technology \& Engineering
    / Engineering (General)},
  language = {English},
  owner = {haehlen_t},
  shorttitle = {Organic Field Effect Transistors},
  timestamp = {2013.10.07},
  url = {http://www.springer.com/engineering/circuits+%26+systems/book/978-0-387-92133-4}

\def\BR@c@bibitem{\begingroup\catcode`\%=12 \ORIG@BR@c@bibitem}


A full in-text cite of

A regular citation of \cite{goossens93}.

Problematic cite \cite{Kymissis__2009}






bibentry包重新定义\bibitem为使用内部宏\BR@c@bibitem,该宏基本上抓取 的参数\bibitem,然后将所有到达第一个空白行的内容作为其第二个参数。%的参数中的 使\url解析器感到困惑,无法看到 后面​​的右括号%


  1. 它开设了一个小组;

  2. 在此组内,它将类别代码设置为%12,使其成为可打印字符;

  3. 调用\ORIG@BR@c@bibitem

