


\newcommand{\macro@root}[1]{%describes what to do in the case of a root
                            <some code>}
\newcommand{\macro@branches}[1]{%describes what to do in the case of branches.
                                %Can use {\bintree@branchone #1} and {\bintree@branchtwo #1}
                                %here to access the branches
                                <some code>}

  \ifx{}{\bintree@root #1}
  %the binary tree is of the form {branch1}{branch2}
  %the binary tree is of the form root

%when it finds two branches, it gobbles both of them

%To define the macro recursively, we will usually need to handle the two
%branches. Here's the mechanism that selects them.
%This selects the first branch if there is one; all else it does is irrelevant

%Gobbles the first branch, takes the second out of its braces

但这不起作用。我认为这是因为在参数形式为 的\bintree@root #1情况下 并不是真正空的。我该如何实现这一点?下面我附上了一个需要它的 MWE。在那里我找到了一些解决方法,但我不知道如何以类似的方式通过对二叉树进行归纳来定义宏。所以我的问题是:#1{branch1}{branch2}我怎样才能正确地执行宏\bintree@induction



%%%% General induction on binary trees.
%%%% This is used for the macro \jhom@dom@wk below only. For the others
%%%% I found an ad hoc method to get things working...

  \ifx{}{\bintree@root #1}
  %the binary tree is of the form {branch1}{branch2}
  %the binary tree is of the form root

%when it finds two branches, it gobbles both of them

%To define the macro recursively, we will usually need to handle the two
%branches. Here's the mechanism that selects them.
%This selects the first branch if there is one; all else it does is irrelevant

%Gobbles the first branch, takes the second out of its braces


\newcommand{\jterm}[3]{#1 \vdash #3:#2}

%%%% To get a feeling of how the command works, here are a few examples.
%%%% \ctxext{A}{B} will print A.B
%%%% \ctxext{{A}{B}}{C} will print (A.B).C
%%%% \ctxext{{{A}{B}}{C}}{{D}{E}} will print ((A.B).C).(D.E)

\newcommand{\ctxext}[2]{\@ctxext@ctx #1.\@ctxext@type #2}
\newcommand{\@ctxext@ctx}{\@ifnextchar\ctxext{\@ctxext@nested}{\@ifnextchar    \ctxwk{\@ctxwk@nested}{\@ctxext}}}


\newcommand{\ctxwk}[2]{\langle\@ctxwk@act #1\rangle\@ctxwk@pass #2}



%%%% First define \jhom@dom@ext
\newcommand{\jhom@dom@ext}[1]{\@jhom@dom@ext #1}
\newcommand{\@@@jhom@dom@ext}[2]{\ctxext{\jhom@dom@ext@nested #1}{\ctxwk{\jhom@dom@ext{#1}}{\jhom@dom@ext@nested #2}}}

%%%% The later occurences of context extension should be with parentheses
\newcommand{\@@jhom@dom@ext@nested}[2]{\@ctxext@parens{\jhom@dom@ext@nested #1}{\ctxwk{\jhom@dom@ext{#1}}{\@jhom@dom@ext@nested #2}}}

%%%% Now define \jhom@dom@wk. Here I don't see how I can do something similar as
%%%% before. Hence try the more general approach that doesn't really work...
\newcommand{\jhom@dom@wk@root}[2]{\ctxwk{\bintree@root #1}{#2}}
\newcommand{\jhom@dom@wk@branches}[2]{\ctxwk{\jhom@dom@ext{\bintree@branchone #1}}{\jhom@dom@wk{\bintree@branchtwo #1}{#2}}}


The following output

& \jhom{\Gamma}{\Delta}{f}\\
& \jhom{{\Gamma_1}{\Gamma_2}}{\Delta}{f}\\
& \jhom{{{\Gamma_{11}}{\Gamma_{12}}}{\Gamma_2}}{\Delta}{f}\\
& \jhom{{\Gamma_1}{{\Gamma_{21}}{\Gamma_{22}}}}{\Delta}{f}
should be the same as
& \jterm{\Gamma}{\Delta}{f}\\
& \jterm{\ctxext{\Gamma_1}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_1}{\Gamma_2}}}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_1}{{\Gamma_2}{\Delta}}}{f}\\
& \jterm{\ctxext{{\Gamma_{11}}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_{11}}{\Gamma_{12}}}}
& \jterm{\ctxext{\Gamma_1}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_1}{\ctxext{\Gamma_{21}}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_{21}}{\Gamma_{22}}}}}}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_1}{{\ctxext{\Gamma_{21}}{\ctxwk{\Gamma_{21}}{\Gamma_{22}}}}{\Delta}}}{f}











输入中的任何错误都会导致无限递归或“文件在扫描使用时结束” \@@cxext
