使用葡萄牙语的 Tikz 日历作为教学大纲

使用葡萄牙语的 Tikz 日历作为教学大纲


其他网站上提供的一些代码如下巴西网站tikz 文档奇怪的是,pdf 第 28 节第 323 页无法在我的 mac os lion 上运行的 Latex TextMate 版本上进行编译。


  1. 将其翻译成葡萄牙语的方法
  2. 能够发送超过一页的时间长度。事实上,我正在寻找的时间长度已经显示在我当前拥有的代码上,并且为澄清起见,还附上了生成的 pdf。

我的 tex 文件可以直接编译成 pdf,并显示上述问题这里





\newcommand{\scheme}[4]{% Lecture Name, Aim, Objectives, Activities
\expandafter\gdef\csname lecture \arabic{lecture}\endcsname{#1}%
\arabic{lecture}. \stepcounter{lecture} & \raggedright #1 & Aim: #2



\rule{0pt}{20pt} \Large \textbf{Topic \thetopic: #1}} 
\\* \multicolumn{4}{l}{\parbox{0pt}{\vspace*{12pt}\hspace*{-\tabcolsep}\rule{\fullwidth}{.5pt}}} \\*


\rule{0pt}{20pt} \Large \textbf{Excursion \theexcursion: #1}} 
\\* \multicolumn{4}{l}{\parbox{0pt}{\vspace*{12pt}\hspace*{-\tabcolsep}\rule{\fullwidth}{.5pt}}} \\*

By the end of this lecture a student should be able to:










{\Huge MA3402 Analysis on Manifolds}


Lecture Number & Lecture Name & Aims and Objectives & Activities,
Material, Refs \endhead
\hline \endfoot


Calculus Review
To recall the key concepts of calculus.
\item List the main definitions and results of calculus
\item Understand the key role of approximation in the application of
\item Recall quiz
\item Vote for the ``Most Valuable Theorem''
\item How close is close enough?

\excursion{Lie Groups}

Lie Groups
To introduce basic Lie groups
\item Prove that multiplication and inverse are smooth maps on
\item Prove the same for \(O_n\).
\item Know the definition of a principal bundle (for \(Gl_n\) and
\item Know how to construct associated fibre bundles.


Problem Session
To go through the fifth problem sheet.
Fifth problem sheet


Differentiation on Manifolds
To explore the different types of differentiation that are possible.
\item Define the Lie bracket of vector fields in terms of flow.
\item Define the Lie derivative of tensors.
\item Differentiation as change under infinitesimal perturbation.



\tikz [every day/.style={anchor=east}]
\calendar [dates=2013-07-10 to 2014-14-01, day list downward, month label above left,day text={\%w. \%d=}]
%if (Monday) {\draw (-0.29,0) circle (8pt);} Circulo para provas
if (Sunday) [black!50,nodes={draw=none}] %Cinza para dias sem aula
if (Monday,Tuesday) [red]
if (Monday,Tuesday) {\node[anchor=west] at (.5,0) {\stepcounter{lecture}Aula \arabic{lecture} \csname lecture \arabic{lecture}\endcsname};};


我很感激任何关于如何解决这个问题的帮助,目前没有很多以 .tex 文件形式出现的课程表模板。更不用说它很容易翻译了。如果最终用我自己的母语写出 12 个月和 7 天,我也不介意作为一种解决方案,只要能用 1 天和 1 个月的例子来解释如何做到这一点。



作为一个只会说英式英语的无知人士,我并不熟悉 中的语言选项LaTeX及其软件包。但是,该类beamer随软件包一起提供translator,并且tikz日历库确实在幕后使用了它。手册(非常简短地)在“日期和日历实用程序宏”一节中PGF提到了该软件包。translator








\deftranslation[to=portuguese]{March}{Mar\c co}




\tikz[every day/.style={anchor=east}]
\calendar [dates=2013-11-1 to 2013-11-14,day list downward, month label above left,day text={\%w. \%d=}]
if (Sunday) [black!50,nodes={draw=none}] %Cinza para dias sem aula
if (Monday,Tuesday) [red]
if (Monday,Tuesday) {\node[anchor=west] at (.5,0) 
  {\stepcounter{lecture}Aula \arabic{lecture} \csname lecture \arabic{lecture}\endcsname};};











\foreach \week in {1,...,7}{
  \global\advance\julianstartday by 7
  \tikz[every day/.style={anchor=base east},
   every month/.style={xshift=-1.5cm, anchor=base east},
   % Always do the month code get the bounding box of the picture
   % right, but only show the text on the first of the week.
   month code={%
     \node[every month]{\ifdate{Monday}{\tikzmonthtext}{\phantom\tikzmonthtext}};
   execute at begin day scope={%
  \calendar [dates=\y-\m-\d to \y-\m-\d+6,day text={\%w. \%d=}]
    if (Sunday) [black!50,nodes={draw=none}] %Cinza para dias sem aula
    if (Monday,Tuesday) [red]
    if (Monday,Tuesday) {\node[anchor=base west] at (.5,0) 
      {\stepcounter{lecture}Aula \arabic{lecture} \csname lecture \arabic{lecture}\endcsname};};


答案是“有点”。默认情况下if (Monday,Tuesday),如果任何一个 Monday为真或Tuesday为真(即逻辑“或”)。


然而我们可以建立一个and not holiday规则,假设它是条件中的最后一条规则它会完成这项工作。下面我整理了一些内部宏,并提供了一个方便的\pgfcalendardeclareholiday宏。请注意,这Guy Fawkes一天在英国实际上并不是假期,它只是一个与日历中的讲座相对应的真实日期。






\deftranslation[to=portuguese]{March}{Mar\c co}




% Macro to declare a holiday

    \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgf@calendar@holiday@\date @}{%
      % If the internal holiday macro has been defined indicate a match
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfcalendarholidayname\expandafter=\csname pgf@calendar@holiday@\date @\endcsname%

\pgfkeys{/pgf/calendar/and not holiday/.code={%
    \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgf@calendar@holiday@\date @}{%
      % If the internal holiday macro has been defined *and* 
      % previous tests have returned true return true
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgfcalendarholidayname\expandafter=\csname pgf@calendar@holiday@\date @\endcsname%


\pgfcalendardeclareholiday{2013-11-15}{Proclama\c c\~ ao da Rep\'blica}

\pgfcalendardeclareholiday{2013-11-05}{Guy Fawkes}% <- not a real holiday


\foreach \week in {1,...,3}{
  \global\advance\julianstartday by 7
  \tikz[every day/.style={anchor=base east},
   every month/.style={xshift=-1.5cm, anchor=base east},
   % Always do the month code get the bounding box of the picture
   % right, but only show the text on the first of the week
   month code={%
     \node[every month]{\ifdate{Monday,day of month=1}{\tikzmonthtext}{\phantom\tikzmonthtext}};
   execute at begin day scope={%
  \calendar [dates=\y-\m-\d to \y-\m-\d+6,day text={\%w. \%d=}]
    if (Sunday) [black!50,nodes={draw=none}] %Cinza para dias sem aula
    if (Monday,Tuesday) [red]
    if (holiday) [blue]
    if (holiday) {\node [anchor=base west, blue] at (.5,0) {\pgfcalendarholidayname};}
    if (Monday,Tuesday, and not holiday) {\node[anchor=base west] at (.5,0) 
      {\stepcounter{lecture}Aula \arabic{lecture} \csname lecture \arabic{lecture}\endcsname};};





% Beginning of translation code
% redefine the month abbreviations (these can be full names if you prefer)
\renewcommand\monthname{\ifcase\c@month\or jan\or fev\or mar\or abr%
        \or mai\or jun\or jul\or ago\or sep\or out%
        \or nov\or dez\fi}
% redefine the printing of the date
% for Portuguese, this is either just the number itself, or
% \the\c@date\textsuperscript{o} depending on if you want an ordinal marker
% other languages might require a more complex redefinition
% redefine how a date that is the first in a new month is printed
% This would normally be redefined however you like anyway
    \else \ordinaldate\fi
% End of translation code

% Few useful commands (our classes always meet either on Monday and Wednesday 
% or on Tuesday and Thursday)

\calday[segunda-feira]{\classday} % Monday
\skipday % Tuesday (no class)
\calday[quarta-feira]{\classday} % Wednesday
\skipday % Thursday (no class)
\skipday % Friday 
\skipday\skipday % weekend (no class)

\skipday % Monday (no class)
\calday[terça-feira]{\classday} % Tuesday
\skipday % Wednesday (no class)
\calday[quinta-feira]{\classday} % Thursday
\skipday % Friday 
\skipday\skipday % weekend (no class)



\paragraph*{Tentative Schedule:}
\begin{calendar}{1/11/2010}{16} % Semester starts on 1/11/2010 and last for 16
                    % weeks, including finals week
% schedule
\caltexton{1}{1.1, 1.2 Review}
\caltextnext{1.3, 1.4 Review}
\caltextnext{2.1, 2.2 Linear Equations}
% ... and so on

% Holidays
\Holiday{1/18/2010}{Martin Luther King Day}
\Holiday{3/8/2010}{Spring Break}
% ... and so on

\options{4/26/2010}{\noclassday} % finals week
\options{4/27/2010}{\noclassday} % finals week
\options{4/28/2010}{\noclassday} % finals week
\options{4/29/2010}{\noclassday} % finals week
\options{4/30/2010}{\noclassday} % finals week
\caltext{4/27/2010}{\textbf{Final Exam}}

