如何让 tabu 和 multicol 互相配合?

如何让 tabu 和 multicol 互相配合?

我正在尝试编写一个文档,该文档需要在我的文档的一个部分中放入许多小表格(其中包含其他嵌套表格),我想将其放入一个两列部分。我使用tabu来获取表格,并multicol只为文档的一部分获取两列格式。当我不使用 时multicol,我特意为我的表格选择一个大小tabu,使它们彼此很好地对齐。然而,一旦我引入multicol,事情就开始变得......奇怪。



Some initial text goes here, that should not be in two-column format.
\begin{tabu} to 0.45/linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf A table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\
\begin{tabu} to 0.45/linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf Another table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\



Some initial text goes here, that should not be in two-column format.
\begin{tabu} to 0.45/linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf A table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\
\begin{tabu} to 0.45/linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf Another table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\

但是,这导致格式严重损坏且难以阅读。然后我尝试返回并包装每个tabu' in a表的环境,如下所示:


Some initial text goes here, that should not be in two-column format.
\begin{tabu} to 0.45/linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf A table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\
\begin{tabu} to 0.45/linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf Another table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\






Some initial text goes here, that should not be in two-column format.
\begin{tabu} to .9\linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf A table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\
\begin{tabu} to .9\linewidth {X}
\centering {\bf Another table heading}\\
    {\bf Text} & More text\\
     & Other text.\\
     & Yet more text.\\
   {\bf Text} & More complicated & table.\\
    & More & complexity.\\

