如何将参考书目输出为 \bibitem{bate}

如何将参考书目输出为 \bibitem{bate}


我已经有 xx.bib 了,比如

author = {Ahmad, Imtiaz and Higgins, Peter M},
file = {:home/peng/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/ahmadIMF25-28-2012.pdf:pdf},
keywords = {among all graph labelling,attracted the most attention,bandwidth numbering,bandwidth of products of,cylinder,graph,graphs,in the literature,introduction,of graphs has perhaps,problems,rectangular lattice,the,toroidal graph},
mendeley-groups = {FYP},
number = {27},
pages = {1331--1341},
title = {{Bandwidth of Direct Products of Paths and Cycles}},
volume = {7},
year = {2012}


\bibitem{bate}   Bates, R.A.,  R.F. Buck, E. Riccomagno and
H.P. Wynn (1996). Expimental design and observation for large
systems, \emph{J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B}, 58, 77-94. \ \ \\

我尝试编译 xx.bib,但没有找到如上所示的输出。我该怎么办?
