$\log_2 4^{2x}$
我尝试了列出的示例,但数学模式间距偏离很大。此外,所有 \setfont 命令对我都不起作用。未找到所有字体。
% necessary packages
% set the font
\setmainfont{Zapfino}% from http://www.fontsquirrel.com/
% help length to store width of text
% increase baseline skip
% define height of lowercase letters
% define height of uppercase letters
% define depth of descenders
% you may add more values here and then us them in the {tikzpicture}
% to add more line to your grid
% package to have a "every line" hook
% let the "line numbers" start directly at the text
% let the "line numbers" be the grid
% baseline
\draw [ultra thick] ((0,0) -- ++(\textwidth,0);
% lowercase height
\draw ((0,\lowercaseheight) -- ++(\textwidth,0);
% uppercase height
\draw [thick] (0,\uppercaseheight) -- ++(\textwidth,0);
% descender depth
\draw (0,\descenderdepth) -- ++(\textwidth,0);
% the font and color of the numbers must be set explicitly
% start "line numbering", i.e. the grid
% set text color to gray
% end "numbering", i.e. the grid
$\log_2 2^{2x}$
$\int_{i+1}^{\infty} e^{2x}\,dx$