节日来临,我们当然都会拿出自己最喜欢的 TikZ光明节烛台庆祝一下。然而,我们的孩子仍然不满足,他们要求在漫长的黑暗夜晚做点活动。尽管我们试图为他们提供下载的连点拼图,但他们很快就意识到没有在 TikZ 中制作。
好的,加上一点点颜色,这是一个join the dots
\pgfdeclaredecoration{join the dots}{initial}{%
\state{initial}[width=0pt, next state=do dots, persistent precomputation={\global\tikzjointhedotsnumber=1}]{}
\state{do dots}[width=\pgfdecoratedinputsegmentlength, persistent postcomputation={\global\advance\tikzjointhedotsnumber by1}]{%
% Is the last point the same as the first?
\ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=0pt\relax%
\global\advance\tikzjointhedotsnumber by-1\relax
% Ok, now we do everything. Draw the dots and place the numbers.
% Draw the dot.
\path [shift={(@dot-\pgfmathcounter)}, every dot/.try, dot \pgfmathcounter/.try];
% Calculate the dot number node anchor
\pgf@xc=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@xc by360pt\relax%
\pgf@yc=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@yc by360pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xc%
\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@yc%
\divide\pgf@x by2\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xc%
\advance\pgf@x by180pt\relax%
\node [anchor=\dotnumberanchor, every dot number/.try, dot number \pgfmathcounter/.try]
at (@dot-\pgfmathcounter)
\advance\c@pgf@countb by1\relax%
% Command for typesetting dot number
% #1 - a count register holding the current dot number
% Keys for setting dot number styles
syle dot number range/.code args={#1 to #2 with #3}{%
\tikzset{dot number \the\c@pgf@counta/.style={#3}}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1
style dot number list/.code args={#1 with #2}{%
\tikzset{dot number \tmp/.style={#2}}%
% Executed for every dot
every dot/.style={fill=black,
insert path={ circle [radius=.75mm] coordinate [alias=dot-last] (dot-\the\tikzjointhedotsnumber) }
% Executed for every dot number
every dot number/.style={
join the dots/.style={
decoration=join the dots, decorate
ultra thick,
line join=round,
line cap=round
line join=round,
line cap=round,
line width=1mm
bend right, out=rand*10, in=180-rand*10
% Draw and number the dots
\path [postaction={join the dots}]
\foreach \a [count=\c from 1, evaluate={\d=\a+1;\s=90/\d;}] in {1,2,3,4}{
-- ++(0,{\a==1?-2:-1})
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (270-\i*\s+\s:270-\i*\s:\a*2-1 and \a*3/2-1/2)
-- ++(-1,0) coordinate [midway] (candle-\c)
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (180+\i*\s-\s:180+\i*\s:\a*2 and \a*3/2)
-- ++(0,-1)
-| ++(-1,-1/2) -| ++(-1,-1/2) -| ++(-1,-1/2)
-- ++(7,0)
|- ++(-1,1/2) |- ++(-1,1/2) |- ++(-1,1/2)
\foreach \a [count=\c from 5, evaluate={\d=\a+1;\s=90/\d;}] in {4,3,2,1}{
-- ++(0,1)
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (270+\i*\s-\s:270+\i*\s:\a*2 and \a*3/2)
-- ++(-1,0) coordinate [midway] (candle-\c)
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (360-\i*\s+\s:360-\i*\s:\a*2-1 and \a*3/2-1/2)
-- ++(0,2);
% Draw the lines that are visible.
\draw [lines]
(dot-1) -- (dot-last) coordinate [midway] (candle-9);
% Draw candles
\foreach \cn in {1,...,9}{%
\tikzset{shift=(candle-\cn), yshift=1pt}%
% Candle
\fill [lines, fill=purple!80, rounded corners=0.125cm]
(-1/3,0) to [sketch] (-1/3,3) -- (1/3,3) to [sketch] (1/3,0);
% Wick
\draw [lines] (0,3) -- ++(0,1/4);
\tikzset{shift={(0,3+1/8)}, xscale=round(rnd)*2-1,yscale=1+rand/8}
\foreach \s/\c in {1/yellow,.5/red}
\path [lines, fill=\c!50!orange, opacity=3/4, scale=\s]
arc (270:180:3/8)
.. controls ++(0,1/4) and ++(0,-1/4) .. (0,3/2)
arc (90:0:3/8 and 1) arc (360:270:3/8 and 1/2);
\pgfdeclaredecoration{join the dots}{initial}{%
\state{initial}[width=0pt, next state=do dots, persistent precomputation={\global\tikzjointhedotsnumber=1}]{}
\state{do dots}[width=\pgfdecoratedinputsegmentlength, persistent postcomputation={\global\advance\tikzjointhedotsnumber by1}]{%
% Is the last point the same as the first?
\ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=0pt\relax%
\global\advance\tikzjointhedotsnumber by-1\relax
% Ok, now we do everything. Draw the dots and place the numbers.
% Draw the dot.
\path [shift={(@dot-\pgfmathcounter)}, every dot/.try, dot \pgfmathcounter/.try];
% Calculate the dot number node anchor
\pgf@xc=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@xc by360pt\relax%
\pgf@yc=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@yc by360pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xc%
\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@yc%
\divide\pgf@x by2\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xc%
\advance\pgf@x by180pt\relax%
\node [anchor=\dotnumberanchor, every dot number/.try, dot number \pgfmathcounter/.try]
at (@dot-\pgfmathcounter)
\advance\c@pgf@countb by1\relax%
% Command for typesetting dot number
% #1 - a count register holding the current dot number
% Keys for setting dot number styles
syle dot number range/.code args={#1 to #2 with #3}{%
\tikzset{dot number \the\c@pgf@counta/.style={#3}}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1
style dot number list/.code args={#1 with #2}{%
\tikzset{dot number \tmp/.style={#2}}%
% Executed for every dot
every dot/.style={fill=black,
insert path={ circle [radius=.75mm] coordinate [alias=dot-last] (dot-\the\tikzjointhedotsnumber) }
% Executed for every dot number
every dot number/.style={
join the dots/.style={
decoration=join the dots, decorate
ultra thick,
line join=round,
line cap=round
line join=round,
line cap=round,
line width=1mm
bend right, out=rand*10, in=180-rand*10
% Put (most of) the picture in a box, so it doesn't
% have to be redrawn every iteration.
% Draw and number the dots
\path [postaction={join the dots}]
\foreach \a [count=\c from 1, evaluate={\d=\a+1;\s=90/\d;}] in {1,2,3,4}{
-- ++(0,{\a==1?-2:-1})
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (270-\i*\s+\s:270-\i*\s:\a*2-1 and \a*3/2-1/2)
-- ++(-1,0) coordinate [midway] (candle-\c)
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (180+\i*\s-\s:180+\i*\s:\a*2 and \a*3/2)
-- ++(0,-1)
-| ++(-1,-1/2) -| ++(-1,-1/2) -| ++(-1,-1/2)
-- ++(7,0)
|- ++(-1,1/2) |- ++(-1,1/2) |- ++(-1,1/2)
\foreach \a [count=\c from 5, evaluate={\d=\a+1;\s=90/\d;}] in {4,3,2,1}{
-- ++(0,1)
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (270+\i*\s-\s:270+\i*\s:\a*2 and \a*3/2)
-- ++(-1,0) coordinate [midway] (candle-\c)
\foreach \i in {1,...,\d}{
arc (360-\i*\s+\s:360-\i*\s:\a*2-1 and \a*3/2-1/2)
-- ++(0,2);
% Draw the lines that are visible.
\draw [lines]
(dot-1) -- (dot-last) coordinate [midway] (candle-9);
\foreach \k in {1,...,88}{%
% Place the picture box.
% Draw candles
\foreach \cn in {1,...,9}{%
\tikzset{shift=(candle-\cn), yshift=1pt}
% Set the random seed as fixed with the candle number as
% a parameter so that candles are different from each
% other, but drawn the same on each outer iteration.
% Candle
\fill [lines, fill=purple!80, rounded corners=0.125cm]
(-1/3,0) to [sketch] (-1/3,3) -- (1/3,3) to [sketch] (1/3,0);
% Wick
\draw [lines] (0,3) -- ++(0,1/4);
% Ensure highest point for bounding box
\path (candle-9) -- ++(0,5);
\tikzset{shift={(0,3+1/8)}, xscale=round(rnd)*2-1,yscale=1+rand/8}
\foreach \s/\c in {1/yellow,.5/red}
\path [lines, fill=\c!50!orange, opacity=3/4, scale=\s]
arc (270:180:3/8)
.. controls ++(0,1/4) and ++(0,-1/4) .. (0,3/2)
arc (90:0:3/8 and 1) arc (360:270:3/8 and 1/2);
\draw [crayon=black!80] (dot-1) \foreach \l in {1,...,\k}{ to [sketch] (dot-\l) };
\newcount\TeXXeTstate% <- Why?
\pgfdeclaredecoration{join the dots}{initial}{%
\state{initial}[width=0pt, next state=do dots, persistent precomputation={\global\tikzjointhedotsnumber=1}]{}
\state{do dots}[width=\pgfdecoratedinputsegmentlength, persistent postcomputation={\global\advance\tikzjointhedotsnumber by1}]{%
% Is the last point the same as the first?
\ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=0pt\relax%
\global\advance\tikzjointhedotsnumber by-1\relax
% Ok, now we do everything. Draw the dots and place the numbers.
% Draw the dot.
\path [shift={(@dot-\pgfmathcounter)}, every dot/.try, dot \pgfmathcounter/.try];
% Calculate the dot number node anchor
\pgf@xc=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@xc by360pt\relax%
\pgf@yc=\pgfmathresult pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@yc by360pt\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xc%
\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@yc%
\divide\pgf@x by2\relax%
\advance\pgf@x by\pgf@xc%
\advance\pgf@x by180pt\relax%
\node [anchor=\dotnumberanchor, every dot number/.try, dot number \pgfmathcounter/.try]
at (@dot-\pgfmathcounter)
\advance\c@pgf@countb by1\relax%
% Command for typesetting dot number
% #1 - a count register holding the current dot number
% Keys for setting dot number styles
syle dot number range/.code args={#1 to #2 with #3}{%
\tikzset{dot number \the\c@pgf@counta/.style={#3}}%
\advance\c@pgf@counta by1
style dot number list/.code args={#1 with #2}{%
\tikzset{dot number \tmp/.style={#2}}%
% Executed for every dot
every dot/.style={fill=black,
insert path={ circle [radius=.75mm] coordinate [alias=dot-last] (dot-\the\tikzjointhedotsnumber) }
% Executed for every dot number
every dot number/.style={
join the dots/.style={
decoration=join the dots, decorate
ultra thick,
line join=round,
line cap=round
style dot number list={15,16,17 with anchor=0},
\textcjheb{\ifcase#1\or'\or b\or g\or d\or h\or w\or z\or.h\or.t\or y\or k|%
\or l\or m|\or n|\or s\or `\or p|\or.s|\or q\or r\or/s\or t\else?\fi}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=(-40:0.5cm), y=(195:0.5cm), z=(75:0.5cm)]
\draw [lines] (1*cos 45,-1*sin 45,7) -- (1*cos 45,-1*sin 45,3) arc (-45:135:1) -- (-1*cos 45,1*sin 45,5.25);
\path[postaction=join the dots]
(1*cos 45,-1*sin 45,5.25) -- (3,-3, 3) -- (3,0,3) -- (3,3,3)
-- (3,3,1) -- (3,3,-1) -- (3,3,-3) -- (3,0,-3) -- (3,-3,-3)
-- (2,-2,-5) -- (1,-1,-7) -- (0,0,-9)
-- (-1,1,-7) -- (-2,2,-5) -- (-3,3,-3)
-- (-3,3,0) -- (-3,3,3) -- (-1*cos 45,1*sin 45,5.25) -- (-1*cos 45,1*sin 45,7)
-- (-1*cos 45,1*sin 45,9) -- (1*cos 45,-1*sin 45,9) -- (1*cos 45,-1*sin 45,7);
\node [yslant=-cos 40, scale=8, text=blue!50!purple] at (0,3,0) {\textcjheb{h}};
\node [yslant=cos 75, scale=8, text=red!50!orange] at (3,0,0) {\textcjheb{n|}};
\draw [lines]
(dot-4) -- (dot-17)
(dot-2) -- (dot-9)
(dot-7) -- (dot-15);