\caption{Design values of thermal properties of typical building materials}
\begin{tabular}{l@{\hskip 1.5cm} >{\centering}p{1.5cm} >{\centering}p{1.5cm} >{\centering}p{1.5cm}}
\toprule[3pt] \toprule
\textbf{Material} & \textbf{Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)} & \textbf{Density (kg/m\textsuperscript{3})} & \textbf{Specific heat (kJ/kg.K)} \\ \midrule
Acoustic tile & 0.061 & 481 & 0.84 \\
Clay tile & 0.571 & 1121 & 0.84 \\
Common brick & 0.727 & 1922 & 0.84 \\
Dense insulation & 0.043 & 91 & 0.84 \\
Face brick & 1.333 & 2002 & 0.92 \\
Felt and membrane & 0.19 & 1121 & 1.67 \\
Finish & 0.415 & 1249 & 1.09 \\
heavy-weight concrete & 1.731 & 2243 & 0.84 \\
heavy-weight concrete block & 0.813 & 977 & 0.84 \\
Light insulation & 0.043 & 32 & 0.84 \\
light-weight concrete & 0.173 & 641 & 0.84 \\
light-weight concrete block & 0.381 & 609 & 0.84 \\
Plaster or gypsum & 0.727 & 1602 & 0.84 \\
Slag & 0.19 & 1121 & 1.67 \\
Steel siding & 44.998 & 7689 & 0.42 \\
Stone & 1.436 & 881 & 1.67 \\
Stucco & 0.692 & 1858 & 0.84 \\
Wood & 0.121 & 593 & 2.51 \\
\bottomrule \bottomrule[3pt]
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\begin{tabular}{l@{\hskip 1.5cm} PPP }
{Material} & {Thermal conductivity } & {Density} & {Specific heat} \\
Acoustic tile & 0.061 & 481 & 0.84 \\
Clay tile & 0.571 & 1121 & 0.84 \\
\caption{Design values of thermal properties of typical building materials}
{Material} & {Thermal conductivity } & {Density} & {Specific heat} \\
& \si{\watt\per\meter\per\kelvin} & \si{\kilo\gram\per\cubic\meter} &
Acoustic tile & 0.061 & 481 & 0.84 \\
Clay tile & 0.571 & 1121 & 0.84 \\
Common brick & 0.727 & 1922 & 0.84 \\
Dense insulation & 0.043 & 91 & 0.84 \\
Face brick & 1.333 & 2002 & 0.92 \\
Felt and membrane & 0.19 & 1121 & 1.67 \\
Finish & 0.415 & 1249 & 1.09 \\
heavy-weight concrete & 1.731 & 2243 & 0.84 \\
heavy-weight concrete block & 0.813 & 977 & 0.84 \\
Light insulation & 0.043 & 32 & 0.84 \\
light-weight concrete & 0.173 & 641 & 0.84 \\
light-weight concrete block & 0.381 & 609 & 0.84 \\
Plaster or gypsum & 0.727 & 1602 & 0.84 \\
Slag & 0.19 & 1121 & 1.67 \\
Steel siding & 44.998 & 7689 & 0.42 \\
Stone & 1.436 & 881 & 1.67 \\
Stucco & 0.692 & 1858 & 0.84 \\
Wood & 0.121 & 593 & 2.51 \\