TikZ 中相图的任意不规则曲线

TikZ 中相图的任意不规则曲线

如何在 TikZ 中绘制一条沿连接两个任意节点的对角线延伸的美观的弯曲随机线?


(本主题中有一些关于如何制作好看的垂直线或水平线的想法在技​​术图纸上随意绘制参差不齐的线条。请从那里使用 MWE。

\documentclass[12pt]{article} % SIZE OF FONT AND ITS LAYOUT ON EACH PAGE.
\usepackage[top = 1in, bottom = 1in, left = 1in, right = 1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath, booktabs, graphicx, setspace}
\usepackage{tikz,tkz-graph,tikz-cd} % DIAGRAMS.
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, calc, decorations.markings}

    let \n1 = {(rand*(#1)} in
    \foreach \a in {0.1,0.2,...,#2}{
    let \n1 = {rand*(#1)} in
    -- +(\a,\n1)
    }}  % #1=seed, #2=length of horizontal line

% This is code for a horizontal random line that I like.
% How to make this sort of line connect two arbitrary points, 
% and perhaps, how to make it curve in a natural way?



% replace with randomly ragged line that curves 

\draw [-,line width=1pt] (0,0) edge (3,3);

    \label{fig:FIGURE NAME GOES HERE}




这是使用 Tikz(而不是 pgf)的另一个分形解决方案。

我定义了一个用两个参数to path命名的新样式:fractal line

  1. 移动每段中间的长度比。

  2. 应用循环的最小长度。


\draw (0,0) to[fractal line=.1 and 1mm] (5,0);


  fractal line/.style args={#1 and #2}{%
    % #1 is ratio of length to move the middle of each segment
    % #2 is the minimum length to apply the recurrence
    to path={
      \p1=(\tikztostart), % start point
      \p2=(\tikztotarget), % end point
      \n1={veclen(\x1-\x2,\y1-\y2)}, % distance 
      \p3=($(\p1)!.5!(\p2)$), % middle point
      \p4=(rand*#1*\n1,rand*#1*\n1), % random vector
      \p5=(\x3+\x4,\y3+\y4) % random moved middle point
      in \pgfextra{
        \ifnum\mytest=1 %
        \tikzset{fractal line/.style args={#1 and #2}{line to}}
      } to[fractal line=#1 and #2] (\p5) to[fractal line=#1 and #2] (\p2)

  \draw[rounded corners=1mm,-stealth] (0,0) to[fractal line=.05 and 1cm] (10,0);
  \draw[rounded corners=.3mm,-stealth] (0,0) to[fractal line=.2 and 3mm] (4,4);



回答你最初的问题,下面画了一条连接两点的分形路径。在本例中,从 (0,0) 到 (3,3)



% zero mean Gaussian random number with variance=1

 \global\advance\gaussF by\@ne
  \global\let\gaussR=\pgfmathresult%radius = $sqrt(-2*ln(rnd))$
  \global\let\gaussA=\pgfmathresult%angle = $360*rnd$


\edef\fracF{0.5}% Controls shape of fractal.  Must be < 1.
\edef\fracNPT{64}% number of points to plot


 \global\let\fracS = \pgfmathresult%
 \global\fracN = \fracNPT
 \global\divide\fracN by\tw@
 \coordinate (frac0) at (0,0);% starting point
 \coordinate (frac\fracNPT) at (3,3);% ending point
% calculate perpendicular.  Can replace 1cm with scale factor.
 \coordinate (fracP) at ($(frac0)!1cm!90:(frac\fracNPT) - (frac0)$);

 \global\c@fracI = \z@
 \loop\ifnum\fracN > \z@ 
  \ifnum\c@fracI < \fracNPT\relax
   \global\let\fracL = \fracR%
   \global\advance\c@fracI by \fracN
   \global\advance\c@fracI by \fracN
   \global\let\fracY = \pgfmathresult%
   \coordinate (\fracM) at ($(\fracL)!0.5!(\fracR) + \fracY*(fracP)$);
   \global\divide\fracN by\tw@
   \global\let\fracS = \pgfmathresult%
   \global\c@fracI = \z@
% now draw line
  \loop\ifnum\c@fracI < \fracNPT\relax
  \global\let\fracL = \fracR
  \draw (\fracL) -- (\fracR);


