Res documentclass 水平对齐问题

Res documentclass 水平对齐问题

我正在使用res文档类来创建一份简单的简历。我的目标是像这样使用 LaTeX 创建简历但是我必须将我的姓名和联系信息放在文档顶部的中央,而不是左右两侧。




 %   \documentclass[line, margin]{res}
\documentclass[margin, centered]{res}

    \name{\hspace{0.5\maxmarg} Max Burstein}
    \address{\hspace{0.5\maxmarg}1234 Herp Derp Lane \\ 
\hspace{0.5\maxmarg}Rabble, FL 34343 \\
\hspace{0.5\maxmarg} (516) 516-5165}

    Bachelor of Science in Blog Writing \\
    University of Y Combinator, Palo Alto, CA \\
    Minor: Fantasy Football \\
    Expected to graduate May 2013 \\
    GPA: 4.0

    \item Ruby
    \item C++
    \item Python
    \item System Administration

    \textit{Detroit Red Wings Starting Center} \hfill 2011-2012 \\
    Was the starting center for the Detroit Red Wings until the strike :( Looking to play across the pond for a little bit. \\ [10pt]
    \textit{Green Bay Packers Starting Wide Receiver} \hfill 2010-2011 \\
    Was the starting WR for the Green Bay Packers during our super bowl run. I caught the game winning touchdown and decided to retire on top.

    \begin{tabular}{l l}
    May 2012 & \textbf{\textit{World's best double clicker}} \\ [5pt]
    July 2012 & \textbf{\textit{USA Candy Eating Champion}} \\ [5pt]
    December 2012 & \textbf{\textit{Inducted into the NFL Hall Of Fame}} \\



如果想要更精确的调整,的初始值\maxmarg应该扩大\sectionskip,其res值为 3.5ex 加 1ex 减 -.2ex。



在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述

\documentclass[line, margin]{res}

\name{\makebox[\textwidth]{Max Burstein}}
\address{\makebox[\textwidth]{1234 Herp Derp Lane \\ Rabble, FL 34343 \\ (516) 516-5165}}
% Uncomment below to see second output
%   \parbox{0.2\textwidth}{%
%   \setlength\topsep{0pt} % removes the extra spaces created by the center environment
%  \setlength\parskip{0pt}
%   \begin{center}
%   1234 Herp Derp Lane \\ Rabble, FL 34343 \\ (516) 516-5165
%   \end{center}
%   }}}
 Bachelor of Science in Blog Writing \\
 University of Y Combinator, Palo Alto, CA \\
 Minor: Fantasy Football \\
 Expected to graduate May 2013 \\
 GPA: 4.0

\item Ruby
\item C++
\item Python
\item System Administration

\textit{Detroit Red Wings Starting Center} \hfill 2011-2012 \\
Was the starting center for the Detroit Red Wings until the strike :( Looking to play across the pond for a little bit. \\ [10pt]
\textit{Green Bay Packers Starting Wide Receiver} \hfill 2010-2011 \\
Was the starting WR for the Green Bay Packers during our super bowl run. I caught the game winning touchdown and decided to retire on top.

\begin{tabular}{l l}
May 2012 & \textbf{\textit{World's best double clicker}} \\ [5pt]
July 2012 & \textbf{\textit{USA Candy Eating Champion}} \\ [5pt]
December 2012 & \textbf{\textit{Inducted into the NFL Hall Of Fame}} \\

