在每个章节重置 natbib 选项 longnamesfirst

在每个章节重置 natbib 选项 longnamesfirst

我正在将我的论文写成论文集,我想在论文结尾处列出完整的参考书目。由于有多个参考资料用于多个章节,我想在每一章中“重置”包longnamesfirst的选项natbib。这里以 MWE 为例。



        author = {Ahuja, R.K. and Ergun, {\"O}. and Orlin, J.B. and Punnen, A.P.},
        title = {A survey of very large-scale neighborhood search techniques},
        journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
        year = {2002},
        volume = {123},
        pages = {75--102},
        number = {1},
        publisher = {Elsevier}

    \chapter{First chapter}
    \chapter{Second chapter}
        \cite{ahuja2002} $\leftarrow$ That guy should be ``longnamesfirst'' as well!



这是实现此目的的一种方式。Natbib 通过在第一次引用每个键时定义一个特殊宏来实现此目的。后续引用将检查此宏。因此,我们需要做两件事:(1) 在每章开始时取消定义这些宏,(2) 了解所有可能键的列表。





        author = {Ahuja, R.K. and Ergun, {\"O}. and Orlin, J.B. and Punnen, A.P.},
        title = {A survey of very large-scale neighborhood search techniques},
        journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
        year = {2002},
        volume = {123},
        pages = {75--102},
        number = {1},
        publisher = {Elsevier}

%\bibcite{ahuja2002}{{1}{2002}{{Ahuja et~al.}}{{Ahuja, Ergun, Orlin,
%and Punnen}}}



    \chapter{First chapter}
    First: \cite{ahuja2002}

    Second: \cite{ahuja2002}

    \chapter{Second chapter}

    First: \cite{ahuja2002}

    Second: \cite{ahuja2002}

