TeXstudio 没有响应

TeXstudio 没有响应

我已经使用 TeXstudio 一段时间了,并且非常喜欢使用它。但是,现在它出现了问题。每当我打开程序时,我的光标总是会恢复到等待光标,这在此处输入图片描述 很烦人。这不仅是一个问题,而且我的 TeXstudio 不会编译我的任何文档。



% Regular polygons

% Radius of regular polygons


    % Indicate the boundary of the regular polygons

        \draw (0:\R) \foreach \x in {60,120,...,359} {
                -- (\x:\R)
            }-- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {Hexagon} ;

        % 360/7 = 51.4286 For PGF v < 1.18 we have to round to the nearest
        % integer. Newer version support fractional angle values.
        % For a more accurate result use the sequence
        % {51, 103, 154, 206, 257, 309}



    % Indicate the boundary of the regular polygons
        \draw (-0.8,0) -- (0.8,0); 
        \draw (0,-0.7) -- (0,0.7);
        \draw (0,-0.7) --
        \draw (0:\R) \foreach \x in {60,120,...,359} {
                -- (\x:\R)
            }-- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {Hexagon} ;

        % 360/7 = 51.4286 For PGF v < 1.18 we have to round to the nearest
        % integer. Newer version support fractional angle values.
        % For a more accurate result use the sequence
        % {51, 103, 154, 206, 257, 309}






        \draw (-0.8,0) -- (0.8,0); 
        \draw (0,-0.7) -- (0,0.7);
%        \draw (0,-0.7) -- % here is the problem
        \draw (0:\R) \foreach \x in {60,120,...,359} {
                -- (\x:\R)
            }-- cycle (90:\R) node[above] {Hexagon} ;

基本上,错误的线条想要从坐标(0,-0.7)点到(--)画一条线,但结果什么都没有,只有一条新的\draw command。所以这条路径永远无法完成,造成了麻烦。
