我在这个问题中使用了 Gonzalo Medina 的答案:
\geometry{a4paper,left=2cm,right=1cm, top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm,headheight=21pt}
% Suppress final dot in \cventry
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}%
% New page style
Address Line 1\\Address Line 2}}
\fancyhead[C]{\parbox[t]{.3333\textwidth}{\fixedphonesymbol\sffamily\footnotesize 555-123-456-789}}
\fancyhead[R]{\parbox[t]{.3333\textwidth}{\emailsymbol\sffamily\footnotesize [email protected]}}
% Redefinitions of \makecvtitle, opening and closing to
% have the desired formatting for first and family names
% recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
% optional detailed information (pre-rendering)
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\protected@edef\phonesdetails{\phonesdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
\collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link
\protected@edef\socialsdetails{\socialsdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\phonesdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
\socialsdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
% optional photo (pre-rendering)
% name and title
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt}}% check for dummy value (equivalent to \ifdim\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt)
% optional detailed information (rendering)
\llap{\usebox{\makecvtitledetailsbox}}% \llap is used to suppress the width of the box, allowing overlap if the value of makecvtitlenamewidth is forced
% optional photo (rendering)
% optional quote
\par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makecvtitle
{\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}}
% recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
% sender contact info
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}%
% recipient block
% date
\hfill% US style
% \\[1em]% UK style
\@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900"
% opening
% ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line
% \ignorespacesafterend% not working
\title{Curriculum vitae}
born 99.11.999 in smallcity
\section{school education}
\cventry{1996- 2008}{Abitur}{School City}{}{}{grade: x,x}
\cventry{1996--2000}{elementary school}{}{}{}{Grundschule somewhere}
\cventry{02.10.2011-- today}{matriculation Master of Science in xxx}{}{}{}{Joint Masters Program in whatever}
\cventry{07.04.2011}{finishing of Bachelor studies}{}{}{}{grade: x,x title: Bachelor of Science whatever}
\cventry{02.12.2010-01.02.2011}{student assistant}{}{}{}{Chair of xxx Prof. Dr. xxx \newline student assistant as a tutor of xxx}
\cventry{21.07.2008--29.09.2011}{matriculation Bachelor of Science xxx}{}{}{}{university of xxx}
\section{Bachelor thesis}
\cvline{title}{\emph{Here comes a long title}}
\cvline{supervisor}{Prof. Dr. xxxxx}
\cvline{date}{february 2011}
\cvlanguage{german}{mother tongue}{}
\section{technical knowledge}
\cvline{basic}{Stata, SPSS}
\cvline{miscellaneous}{LaTex, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Dynamics}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[color1,line width=10pt]
([yshift=-55pt]current page.north west) -- +(14cm,0pt);
\recipient{HR Departmnet}{Corporation\\123 Pleasant Lane\\12345 City, State}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,}
\closing{Sincerely yours,}
\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\phonesdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
\socialsdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
{\bfseries\upshape\@firstname {} \@lastname}\@firstdetailselementfalse%
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}%
File ended while scanning use of \@argdef
(我是不是太笨了?)我的想法是将其放入\address{street name}{suburb}{city}{country}
看来您正在使用旧版本的类。您使用了已重命名为当前版本 2.0.0的moderncv
(参见以下 MWE 中的第 91 行,重要更改以 标记<=====
\newlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{\setlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{0pt}} % <======= line 91 ======================
然后,您必须添加使用 od的新可选参数\address
\address{street and number}{suburb}{postcode city}{country} % <======== line 161 ===================
\makeatletter % <======= line 42 ========================================
最后,你必须改变 cv 的地址输出:
\begin{tabular}[b]{@{}r@{}}% <====== line 62 =======================
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresssuburb}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresssuburb}% <======================
\phonesdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
\socialsdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
\begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}% <============= line 121 ==============
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresssuburb}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresssuburb}% <======================
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}%
因此,对于当前版本 2.0.0 的完整 MWEmoderncv
\geometry{a4paper,left=2cm,right=1cm, top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm,headheight=21pt}
% Suppress final dot in \cventry
\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}%
% New page style
Address Line 1\\Address Line 2}}
\fancyhead[C]{\parbox[t]{.3333\textwidth}{\fixedphonesymbol\sffamily\footnotesize 555-123-456-789}}
\fancyhead[R]{\parbox[t]{.3333\textwidth}{\emailsymbol\sffamily\footnotesize [email protected]}}
% defines one's address (optional)
% usage: \address{<street>}{<city>}{<country>}
%\address{street and number}{suburb}{postcode city}{country}
% where the <city> and <country> arguments can be omitted or provided empty
% Redefinitions of \makecvtitle, opening and closing to
% have the desired formatting for first and family names
% recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
% optional detailed information (pre-rendering)
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\protected@edef\phonesdetails{\phonesdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
\collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link
\protected@edef\socialsdetails{\socialsdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
\begin{tabular}[b]{@{}r@{}}% <====== line 62 =======================
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresssuburb}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresssuburb}% <======================
\phonesdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
\socialsdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict
% optional photo (pre-rendering)
% name and title
\newlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{\setlength{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{0pt}} % <======= line 91 ======================
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt}}% check for dummy value (equivalent to \ifdim\makecvtitlenamewidth=0pt)
% optional detailed information (rendering)
\llap{\usebox{\makecvtitledetailsbox}}% \llap is used to suppress the width of the box, allowing overlap if the value of makecvtitlenamewidth is forced
% optional photo (rendering)
% optional quote
\par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makecvtitle
{\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}}
% recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa)
% sender contact info
\begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}% <============= line 121 ==============
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresssuburb}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresssuburb}% <======================
\collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}%
% recipient block
% date
\hfill% US style
% \\[1em]% UK style
\@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900"
% opening
% ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line
% \ignorespacesafterend% not working
\title{Curriculum vitae}
\address{street and number}{suburb}{postcode city}{country} % <======== line 161 ===================
born 99.11.999 in smallcity
\section{school education}
\cventry{1996- 2008}{Abitur}{School City}{}{}{grade: x,x}
\cventry{1996--2000}{elementary school}{}{}{}{Grundschule somewhere}
\cventry{02.10.2011-- today}{matriculation Master of Science in xxx}{}{}{}{Joint Masters Program in whatever}
\cventry{07.04.2011}{finishing of Bachelor studies}{}{}{}{grade: x,x title: Bachelor of Science whatever}
\cventry{02.12.2010-01.02.2011}{student assistant}{}{}{}{Chair of xxx Prof. Dr. xxx \newline student assistant as a tutor of xxx}
\cventry{21.07.2008--29.09.2011}{matriculation Bachelor of Science xxx}{}{}{}{university of xxx}
\section{Bachelor thesis}
\cvline{title}{\emph{Here comes a long title}}
\cvline{supervisor}{Prof. Dr. xxxxx}
\cvline{date}{february 2011}
\cvlanguage{german}{mother tongue}{}
\section{technical knowledge}
\cvline{basic}{Stata, SPSS}
\cvline{miscellaneous}{LaTex, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Dynamics}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[color1,line width=10pt]
([yshift=-55pt]current page.north west) -- +(14cm,0pt);
\recipient{HR Departmnet}{Corporation\\123 Pleasant Lane\\12345 City, State}
\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,}
\closing{Sincerely yours,}
\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}}