\usepackage{multirow} % Layout options - tables
\usepackage{tabularx,ragged2e,booktabs,caption} % Layout options - tables
\usepackage{rotating} % Rotate objects
\usepackage{array} % formatting tables fix
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\begin{tabular}{m{5mm} m{5mm}| p{25mm} p{5mm} p{55mm}}\toprule[1.5pt]
\multirow{8}{5mm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Uncentered text and arrow}} & \multirow{8}{5mm}{$\downarrow$} & A B C & \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{It may be that the primal source of all}\\
&&\hspace*{10mm}\underbar{D} \newline \newline $ \hspace*{20mm}\nwarrow$ & \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{those pictorial delusions will be found }\\
&&& \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{among the oldest Hindoo, Egyptian, and }\\
&& E& \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{Grecian sculptures. For ever since those }\\
&& F,G,\newline H \newline I,J & $\downarrow$ & inventive but unscrupulous times when on the\\
&& K & $\leftarrow$ & marble panellings of temples, the pedestals\\
&&L& &\\
&& \multicolumn{3}{C{90mm}}{ of statues, and on shields, medallions, cups, and coins, the dolphin was drawn in scales of chain-armor like Saladin's, and a helmeted head like St. George's; ever since then has something of the same sort of license prevailed, not only in most popular pictures of the whale, but in many scientific presentations of him. }\\
\end {tabular}
\usepackage{multirow} % Layout options - tables
\usepackage{tabularx,ragged2e,booktabs,caption} % Layout options - tables
\usepackage{rotating} % Rotate objects
\usepackage{array} % formatting tables fix
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % formatting tables fix
\begin{tabular}{m{5mm} m{5mm}| p{25mm} p{5mm} p{55mm}}\toprule[1.5pt]
\multirow{8}[50]{5mm}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Uncentered text and arrow}} & \multirow{8}[50]{5mm}{$\downarrow$} & A B C & \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{It may be that the primal source of all}\\
&&\hspace*{10mm}\underbar{D} \newline \newline $ \hspace*{20mm}\nwarrow$ & \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{those pictorial delusions will be found }\\
&&& \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{among the oldest Hindoo, Egyptian, and }\\
&& E& \multicolumn{2}{C{60mm}}{Grecian sculptures. For ever since those }\\
&& F,G,\newline H \newline I,J & $\downarrow$ & inventive but unscrupulous times when on the\\
&& K & $\leftarrow$ & marble panellings of temples, the pedestals\\
&&L& &\\
&& \multicolumn{3}{C{90mm}}{ of statues, and on shields, medallions, cups, and coins, the dolphin was drawn in scales of chain-armor like Saladin's, and a helmeted head like St. George's; ever since then has something of the same sort of license prevailed, not only in most popular pictures of the whale, but in many scientific presentations of him. }\\
\end {tabular}