
    &&Joy & Fear &Sadness &Thankfulness & Anger & Surprise & Love
   \\  \cline{1-9} 

&    Joy          & 70,80\% & 5,78\% & 3,53\% & 22,89\% & 1,62\% & 16,73\% & 19,63\% \\ \cline{2-9}
   \multirow{4}{*}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Crowdsource-set}} &  Fear         & 3,53\% & 69,77\% & 2,94\% & 1,66\% & 1,37\% & 5,53\% & 1,32\% \\ \cline{2-9}
   &  Sadness      & 5,61\% & 12,97\% & 74,33\% & 4,72\% & 16,06\% & 40,84\% & 6,12\% \\  \cline{2-9}
   & Thankfulness & 4,31\% & 0,59\% & 0,56\% & 53,22\% & 0,20\% & 1,36\% & 6,59\% \\ \cline{2-9}
   & Anger        & 2,74\% & 9,13\% & 15,06\% & 2,79\% & 79,28\% & 20,40\% & 2,21\% \\ \cline{2-9}
   & Surprise     & 0,70\% & 0,21\% & 0,23\% & 0,35\% & 0,18\% & 8,12\% & 0,30\% \\ \cline{2-9}
   & Love         & 12,31\% & 1,56\% & 3,34\% & 14,37\% & 1,30\% & 7,03\% & 63,83\% \\ 
    \caption {Redistribution of the labels from the hasthag-dataset to the crowdsource-dataset}







\usepackage{graphicx,booktabs,multirow}% http://ctan.org/pkg/{graphicx,booktabs,multirow}
    \multicolumn{2}{c|}{} & \multicolumn{7}{c|}{Hashtag-dataset} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{c|}{} & Joy & Fear & Sadness & Thankfulness & Anger & Surprise & Love \\
    &    Joy          & 70,80\% & 5,78\% & 3,53\% & 22,89\% & 1,62\% & 16,73\% & 19,63\% \\
      & Fear & 3,53\% & 69,77\% & 2,94\% & 1,66\% & 1,37\% & 5,53\% & 1,32\% \\
      &  Sadness      & 5,61\% & 12,97\% & 74,33\% & 4,72\% & 16,06\% & 40,84\% & 6,12\% \\
      & Thankfulness & 4,31\% & 0,59\% & 0,56\% & 53,22\% & 0,20\% & 1,36\% & 6,59\% \\
      & Anger        & 2,74\% & 9,13\% & 15,06\% & 2,79\% & 79,28\% & 20,40\% & 2,21\% \\
      & Surprise     & 0,70\% & 0,21\% & 0,23\% & 0,35\% & 0,18\% & 8,12\% & 0,30\% \\
      & Love         & 12,31\% & 1,56\% & 3,34\% & 14,37\% & 1,30\% & 7,03\% & 63,83\% \\ 
  \caption {Redistribution of the labels from the hasthag-dataset to the crowdsource-dataset}

      & \multicolumn{7}{c}{\textbf{Hashtag-dataset}} \\
    & Joy & Fear & Sadness & Thankfulness & Anger & Surprise & Love \\
      Joy          & 70,80\% & 5,78\% & 3,53\% & 22,89\% & 1,62\% & 16,73\% & 19,63\% \\
      Fear         & 3,53\% & 69,77\% & 2,94\% & 1,66\% & 1,37\% & 5,53\% & 1,32\% \\
      Sadness      & 5,61\% & 12,97\% & 74,33\% & 4,72\% & 16,06\% & 40,84\% & 6,12\% \\
      Thankfulness & 4,31\% & 0,59\% & 0,56\% & 53,22\% & 0,20\% & 1,36\% & 6,59\% \\
      Anger        & 2,74\% & 9,13\% & 15,06\% & 2,79\% & 79,28\% & 20,40\% & 2,21\% \\
      Surprise     & 0,70\% & 0,21\% & 0,23\% & 0,35\% & 0,18\% & 8,12\% & 0,30\% \\
      Love         & 12,31\% & 1,56\% & 3,34\% & 14,37\% & 1,30\% & 7,03\% & 63,83\% \\ 
  \caption {Redistribution of the labels from the hasthag-dataset to the crowdsource-dataset}


您还可以考虑使用r-column 甚至dcolumn改善数据的一致性。




%  locale = DE


  \begin{tabular}{l *{7}{S[table-format = 2.2]}}
     \multirow{2}{*}{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}Crowdsource-\\dataset\end{tabular}} & \multicolumn{7}{c}{\textbf{Hashtag-dataset}}                  \\
                   & {Joy}           & {Fear}          & {Sadness}       & {Thankfulness}  & {Anger}         & {Surprise}      & {Love}          \\
                   & {\si{\percent}} & {\si{\percent}} & {\si{\percent}} & {\si{\percent}} & {\si{\percent}} & {\si{\percent}} & {\si{\percent}} \\
      Joy          & 70.80           &  5.78           &  3.53           & 22.89           &  1.62           & 16.73           & 19.63           \\
      Fear         &  3.53           & 69.77           &  2.94           &  1.66           &  1.37           &  5.53           &  1.32           \\
      Sadness      &  5.61           & 12.97           & 74.33           &  4.72           & 16.06           & 40.84           &  6.12           \\
      Thankfulness &  4.31           &  0.59           &  0.56           & 53.22           &  0.20           &  1.36           &  6.59           \\
      Anger        &  2.74           &  9.13           & 15.06           &  2.79           & 79.28           & 20.40           &  2.21           \\
      Surprise     &  0.70           &  0.21           &  0.23           &  0.35           &  0.18           &  8.12           &  0.30           \\
      Love         & 12.31           &  1.56           &  3.34           & 14.37           &  1.30           &  7.03           & 63.83           \\ 
 \caption{Redistribution of the labels from the hasthag-dataset to the crowdsource-dataset.}






PS 表格顶部的代码是从沃纳的回答
