

我正在尝试在 tikz 中绘制网络流图,但遇到了一些问题。

以下是我目前所掌握的信息: 当前图表


例如,(h1) edge [bend left=15] (1_1)正如我所料,只会在末尾给出一个箭头;但是(h1.east) edge [bend left=15] (1_1)会在两侧都放置一个箭头。




    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (0,0) (h1);

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=blue,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,1.5) (1_1) { 1:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=green, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,0) (2_1) { 2:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=red,   fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,-1.5) (3_1) { 3:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (3,0) (h2);

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,0.75) (4_1) { 4:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,0.75) (4_2) { 4:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,-0.75) (5_1) { 5:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,-0.75) (5_2) { 5:2 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (7.5,0) (h3);

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.0,0.75) (6_1) { 6:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (10.5,0.75) (6_2) { 6:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=olive, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.75,-0.75) (7_1) { 7:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (12,0)   (h4);
    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (13.5,0) (h5);

    \draw [->] (0.333,-2.5) -- (13.3335,-2.5) node [midway, below] {Time};

    \path [line, ->] (h1) edge [bend left=15] (1_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h1) edge (2_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h1) edge [bend right=15] (3_1);
    \path [line, ->] (1_1) edge [bend left=15] (h2);
    \path [line, ->] (2_1) edge (h2);
    \path [line, ->] (3_1) edge [bend right=15] (h2);
    \path [line, ->] (h2.20) edge [bend left=15] (4_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h2.-20) edge [bend right=15] (5_1);
    \path [line, ->] (4_1) -- (4_2);
    \path [line, ->] (5_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line, ->] (4_2) edge [bend left=15] (h3.160);
    \path [line, ->] (5_2) edge [bend right=15] (h3.200);
    \path [line, ->] (h3) edge [bend left=15] (6_1);
    \path [line, ->] (h3) edge [bend right=15] (7_1);
    \path [line, ->] (6_1) -- (6_2);
    \path [line, ->] (6_2) edge [bend left=15] (h4);
    \path [line, ->] (7_1) edge [bend right=15] (h4);
    \path [line, ->] (h4) -- (h5);

    \path [line, ->] (h2.60) edge [bend left=60] (4_2.north west);
    \path [line, ->] (h2.-60) edge [bend right=60] (5_2.south west);
    \path [line, ->] (4_1.north east) edge [bend left=60] (h3.120);
    \path [line, ->] (5_1.south east) edge [bend right=60] (h3.240);
    \path [line, ->] (h3.0) edge [bend right=15] (6_2.south west);
    \path [line, ->] (6_1.south east) edge [bend right=15] (h4.180);

    \path [line, ->] (4_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line, ->] (5_1) -- (4_2);

    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (0.2, 2)  -- (2.8, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 1};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (3.2, 2)  -- (7.3, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 2};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (7.7, 2)  -- (11.8, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 3};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (12.2, 2) -- (13.3, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 4};




定义线条样式。您还使用 ,\path[line, ->]这将导致修改线条样式。改用\path[line]。要更改弯曲程度,您可以使用和调整looseness值,例如inout

\path [-latex'] (h1.north) edge [out=90,in=90,bend angle=180,looseness=2](h2.north);

此外,nodes 应该有一个空参数{}

\node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (0,0) (h1) {};   %% note the {} at the end


    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (0,0) (h1) {};

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=blue,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,1.5) (1_1) { 1:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=green, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,0) (2_1) { 2:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=red,   fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (1.5,-1.5) (3_1) { 3:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (3,0) (h2) {};

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,0.75) (4_1) { 4:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=orange, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,0.75) (4_2) { 4:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (4.5,-0.75) (5_1) { 5:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=purple, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (6.0,-0.75) (5_2) { 5:2 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (7.5,0) (h3) {};

    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.0,0.75) (6_1) { 6:1 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=teal,  fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (10.5,0.75) (6_2) { 6:2 };
    \node [circle, draw, inner sep=0.075cm, fill=olive, fill opacity=0.33, text opacity=1] at (9.75,-0.75) (7_1) { 7:1 };

    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (12,0)   (h4) {};
    \node [pattern=north east lines, circle, draw, inner sep=0.25cm] at (13.5,0) (h5) {};

    \draw [line] (0.333,-2.5) -- (13.3335,-2.5) node [midway, below] {Time};

    \path [line] (h1) edge [bend left=15] (1_1);
    \path [line] (h1) edge (2_1);
    \path [line] (h1) edge [bend right=15] (3_1);
    \path [line] (1_1) edge [bend left=15] (h2);
    \path [line] (2_1) edge (h2);
    \path [line] (3_1) edge [bend right=15] (h2);
    \path [line] (h2.20) edge [bend left=15] (4_1);
    \path [line] (h2.-20) edge [bend right=15] (5_1);
    \path [line] (4_1) -- (4_2);
    \path [line] (5_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line] (4_2) edge [bend left=15] (h3.160);
    \path [line] (5_2) edge [bend right=15] (h3.200);
    \path [line] (h3) edge [bend left=15] (6_1);
    \path [line] (h3) edge [bend right=15] (7_1);
    \path [line] (6_1) -- (6_2);
    \path [line] (6_2) edge [bend left=15] (h4);
    \path [line] (7_1) edge [bend right=15] (h4);
    \path [line] (h4) -- (h5);

    \path [line] (h2.60) edge [bend left=60] (4_2.north west);
    \path [line] (h2.-60) edge [bend right=60] (5_2.south west);
    \path [line] (4_1.north east) edge [bend left=60] (h3.120);
    \path [line] (5_1.south east) edge [bend right=60] (h3.240);
    \path [line] (h3.0) edge [bend right=15] (6_2.south west);
    \path [line] (6_1.south east) edge [bend right=15] (h4.180);

    \path [line] (4_1) -- (5_2);
    \path [line] (5_1) -- (4_2);

    %% lines with more bend
    \path [line] (h1.north) edge [out=90,in=90,bend angle=180,looseness=2](h2.north);
    \path [line] (h2.south) edge [out=270,in=270,bend angle=180,looseness=1.3](h3.south);
    \path [line] (h3.70) edge [controls=+(80:2) and +(100:2)](h4.120);    %% just to show another way
    \path [line] (h4.east) edge (h5.west);

    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (0.2, 2)  -- (2.8, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 1};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (3.2, 2)  -- (7.3, 2)  node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 2};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (7.7, 2)  -- (11.8, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 3};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt, raise=8pt}] (12.2, 2) -- (13.3, 2) node [midway, above, yshift=0.5cm] {Day 4};


