为什么使用 minipage 功能时单词间距会发生变化?
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CV STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NAME AND CONTACT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Uncomment below to color the \textsl{\textit{\textbf{\emph{\textsc{\textsc{\textsc{headings}}}}}}}
%\textsc{\Huge{\so{Abhilash Sukumari}}} \\ % Use for extra spacing inbetween the words.
\textsc{\Huge{First Last}} \\
\color{text1}{\Large\Telefon} (Area code)-xxx-xxxx \hfill {\Large\Writinghand} Street, Apt \# XXXX, City, EX-7xxxx \hfill {\Large\Letter} \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
%%%%%% SKILLS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Start the left-hand side of the page
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
\textbf{Something} & Something, Something, Something, Something, C, C++\\
\textbf{Others} & \LaTeX, \textsc{html}\\
\textbf{Others} & Something Something (Something), Something Something (Something Something Something)
\end{minipage} % End left-hand side of the page
%%%%%% Tool proficiency %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Start the right-hand side of the page
\vspace{0pt} %trick for alignment
\textbf{Tool} & Something-Something (Something) $\&$ Something Something \\
\textbf{Others} & Something, Something Something, Something, Something Something, Something-Something, Something \\
\end{minipage} % End right-hand side of the page
%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
在 后添加 即可\bfseries
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\usepackage{marvosym} % add the symbols for email and phone contact data
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\usepackage{tabularx} % Nicer table style than the default
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\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0},bookmarks=true,pdftitle={CV},pdfauthor={first last},pdfsubject={Curriculum Vitae},pdfcreator={www.abhij.com},pdfproducer={www.abhij.com}]{hyperref}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CV STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NAME AND CONTACT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Uncomment below to color the \textsl{\textit{\textbf{\emph{\textsc{\textsc{\textsc{headings}}}}}}}
%\textsc{\Huge\so{Abhilash Sukumari}} \\ % Use for extra spacing inbetween the words.
\textsc{\Huge First Last} \\
\color{text1}{\Large\Telefon} (Area code)-xxx-xxxx \hfill {\Large\Writinghand} Street, Apt \# XXXX, City, EX-7xxxx \hfill {\Large\Letter} \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
%%%%%% SKILLS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Start the left-hand side of the page
\vspace{0pt} % Trick for alignment
Something & Something, Something, Something, Something, C, C++\\
Others & \LaTeX, \textsc{html}\\
Others & Something Something (Something), Something Something (Something Something Something)
\end{minipage} % End left-hand side of the page
%%%%%% Tool proficiency %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Start the right-hand side of the page
\vspace{0pt} %trick for alignment
Tool & Something-Something (Something) \& Something Something \\
Others & Something, Something Something, Something, Something Something, Something-Something, Something \\
\end{minipage} % End right-hand side of the page
%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%