fp 计算变量

fp 计算变量

我想在 LaTeX 文档中做一些计算;第一个计算的结果将用于下一个计算。我发现这个fp包应该可以完成这个工作。下面是一个例子:





 Example 1:
   The macro call
         \FPupn\result{17 2.5 + 17.5 - 2 1 + * 2 swap /} 
   is equivalent to
     \result := ((17.5 - (17 + 2.5)) * (2 + 1)) / 2
   and evaluates to
   Afterwards the macro call
         \FPupn\result{\result{} -1 * 0.2 + sin 2 round}
                              ^^ the "{}" is necessary!
   is equivalent to
     \result := round_2(sin((\result * -1) + 0.2))
   and evaluates to
 Example 2:
   As "result" is an abbreviation of "\result{}" you may
     \FPupn{result}{17 2.5 + 17.5 - 2 1 + * 2 swap /}
     \FPupn{result}{result -1 * 0.2 + sin 2 round}
   instead leading to the same results.
   This is even true for other macro names using e.g. "x" for "\x{}"
   and so on. But be careful with it. We may introduce new constants
   in further versions overwriting these abbreviations.
 - fp-eval.sty:
     The following macros are public ones to be used in the document:
       \FPeval#1#2      % #1 := eval(#2) where eval evaluates the
                     expression #2
 ATTENTION: Do not use macro names with \. for its own
 Use only the name or the macro surrounded by (, and ) instead,
 i.e. do not write "\value{}" but "value" or "(\value)".
 This is needed to avoid problems with a prefix "-" of numbers.
 (I do not intend to write a more complex parsing routine in future.
  But if you do so, just send it to me.



\usepackage{fp}% http://ctan.org/pkg/fp



