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\chead{\textsc{Homework 2}}
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\newcommand{\vigenere}{Vigen\`{e}re }
\newcommand{\colsp}{@{\hskip 0.2in}}
\text{\phantom{(#1)}} \tag{#1}
\subsection*{Chapter 4}
Encrypt each of the following \vigenere plaintexts using the given keyword and the \vigenere tableau (Table 4.1).
Keyword: \texttt{hamlet} \\
Plaintext: \texttt{To be, or not to be, that is the question.}
Keyword: \texttt{fortune} \\
Plaintext: \texttt{The treasure is buried under the big W.}
Decrypt each of the following \vigenere ciphertexts using the given keyword and the \vigenere tableau (Table 4.1).
Keyword: \texttt{condiment} \\
\begin{tabular}{l \colsp l \colsp l \colsp l \colsp l}
\texttt{r s g h z} & \texttt{b m c x t} & \texttt{d v f s q} & \texttt{h n i g q} & \texttt{x r n b m} \\
\texttt{p d n s q} & \texttt{s m b t r} & \texttt{k u} & &
\usepackage{fancyhdr, float}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
\lhead{... \\ ...}
\chead{\textsc{Homework 2}}
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\newcommand{\vigenere}{Vigen\`{e}re }
\newcommand{\colsp}{@{\hskip 0.2in}}
\text{\phantom{(#1)}} \tag{#1}
\subsection*{Chapter 4}
Encrypt each of the following \vigenere plaintexts using the given keyword and the \vigenere tableau (Table 4.1).
Keyword: \texttt{hamlet} \\
Plaintext: \texttt{To be, or not to be, that is the question.}
Keyword: \texttt{fortune} \\
Plaintext: \texttt{The treasure is buried under the big W.}
Decrypt each of the following \vigenere ciphertexts using the given keyword and the \vigenere tableau (Table 4.1).
Keyword: \texttt{condiment} \\
\begin{tabular}[t]{l \colsp l \colsp l \colsp l \colsp l}
\texttt{r s g h z} & \texttt{b m c x t} & \texttt{d v f s q} & \texttt{h n i g q} & \texttt{x r n b m} \\
\texttt{p d n s q} & \texttt{s m b t r} & \texttt{k u} & &