

想要在多页表的每一页上放置相同的脚注。下面是一些提供示例的代码。如何让出现在第 2 页底部的脚注也出现在第 1 页的底部?这样做的目的是避免让读者在阅读第 1 页时转到表格底部来获取此信息。


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\usepackage[font={bf}, justification=centerfirst]{caption}

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%%%% Demographic Characteristics Table %%%%


\begin{longtable}{l  *{5}{>{\centering}m{0.7in}} m{2in}}
 \caption{Demographic Characteristics by Treatment Arm}  \\ \hline \addlinespace[3pt]
 \multicolumn{1}{l}{} &  \multicolumn{4}{c}{Treatment Arm} &  &  \\ \cmidrule(lr){2-5}
  Variable/Statistic & Arm A & Arm B & Arm C & Arm D & Total & Test \\
   & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) &  \\
  \hline \addlinespace[12pt]
  \caption{Demographic Characteristics by Treatment Arm (Continued)}  \\ \hline\addlinespace[3pt]
  \multicolumn{1}{l}{} &  \multicolumn{4}{c}{Treatment Arm} &  &  \\ \cmidrule(lr){2-5}
  Variable/Statistic & Arm A & Arm B & Arm C & Arm D & Total & Test \\
   & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) &  \\
  \hline \addlinespace[12pt]
  \addlinespace[3pt] \hline \multicolumn{7}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}} \\ \hline

Gender &  &  &  &  &  & $\chi^2$(x, xx) = x.xxxx, p = x.xxxx \\
  ~~~Male &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Female &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\
Race &  &  &  &  &  & Fisher's Exact, p = x.xxxx \\
  ~~~White &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Black or African American &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Hispanic or Latino &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Other &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\
Caucasian &  &  &  &  &  & Fisher's Exact, p = x.xxx \\
  ~~~Yes &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~No &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\
Age &  &  &  &  &  & F (x, xx) = x.xxxx, p = x.xxxx \\
  ~~~N & xx & xx & xx & xx & xx &  \\
  ~~~Mean & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Median & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Standard Deviation & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Minimum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Maximum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
BMI &  &  &  &  &  & Kruskal-Wallis = x.xxxx, p = x.xxxx \\
  ~~~N & xx & xx & xx & xx & xx &  \\
  ~~~Mean & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Median & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Standard Deviation & x.xx & x.xx & x.xx & x.xx & x.xx &  \\
  ~~~Minimum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  ~~~Maximum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
Region &  &  &  &  &  & Fisher's Exact, p = x.xxxx \\
  ~~~Northeast &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Midwest &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~South &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~West &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
  ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\


Arm A: Miracle drug \\
Arm B: Wonder drug  \\
Arm C: Eye of newt  \\
Arm D: Standard of care







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\usepackage[font={bf}, justification=centerfirst]{caption}

%%%% Table Captions %%%%

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%%%% Demographic Characteristics Table %%%%


    Arm A: Miracle drug \\
    Arm B: Wonder drug  \\
    Arm C: Eye of newt  \\
    Arm D: Standard of care
  \begin{longtable}{l  *{5}{>{\centering}m{0.7in}} m{2in}}
   \caption{Demographic Characteristics by Treatment Arm}  \\\midrule\addlinespace[3pt]
   \multicolumn{1}{l}{} &  \multicolumn{4}{c}{Treatment Arm} &  &  \\\cmidrule(lr){2-5}
    Variable/Statistic & Arm A & Arm B & Arm C & Arm D & Total & Test \\
     & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) &  \\
    \hline \addlinespace[12pt]
    \caption{Demographic Characteristics by Treatment Arm (Continued)}  \\\midrule\addlinespace[3pt]
    \multicolumn{1}{l}{} &  \multicolumn{4}{c}{Treatment Arm} &  &  \\\cmidrule(lr){2-5}
    Variable/Statistic & Arm A & Arm B & Arm C & Arm D & Total & Test \\
     & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) & (n = xx) &  \\
    \hline \addlinespace[12pt]
    \multicolumn{7}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}\\

  Gender &  &  &  &  &  & $\chi^2$(x, xx) = x.xxxx, p = x.xxxx \\
    ~~~Male &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Female &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\
  Race &  &  &  &  &  & Fisher's Exact, p = x.xxxx \\
    ~~~White &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Black or African American &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Hispanic or Latino &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Other &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\
  Caucasian &  &  &  &  &  & Fisher's Exact, p = x.xxx \\
    ~~~Yes &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~No &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\
  Age &  &  &  &  &  & F (x, xx) = x.xxxx, p = x.xxxx \\
    ~~~N & xx & xx & xx & xx & xx &  \\
    ~~~Mean & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Median & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Standard Deviation & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Minimum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Maximum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  BMI &  &  &  &  &  & Kruskal-Wallis = x.xxxx, p = x.xxxx \\
    ~~~N & xx & xx & xx & xx & xx &  \\
    ~~~Mean & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Median & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Standard Deviation & x.xx & x.xx & x.xx & x.xx & x.xx &  \\
    ~~~Minimum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
    ~~~Maximum & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx & xx.xx &  \\
  Region &  &  &  &  &  & Fisher's Exact, p = x.xxxx \\
    ~~~Northeast &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Midwest &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~South &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  xx ( xx.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~West &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &   x ( xx.xx\%) &   x (  x.xx\%) &  \\
    ~~~Total &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  xx (xxx.xx\%) &  \\



