\renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.6}% before: .5
\renewcommand{\textfraction}{.15} % before: .2
\renewcommand{\topfraction}{.8} % before: .7
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{.5} % before: .3
\setcounter{topnumber}{3} % before: 2
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\section*{Assessing Progression in Whole Body Bone Scans}
然而,当我尝试将证据合并到单个章节中时,我遇到了几个问题。我采取了以下方法。我的 Portfolio.tex
%% uncommand the following line to print equation labels next to
%% equation numbers.
%% The following is to control the format of your thesis
%% File to be included while running latex.
%% Front page of thesis
%% Main text
% set page number starts from 1
\chapter{Supplementary Evidence}
\section*{Evidence A: MSci Degree Certificate - Physics}
\caption{MSci Physics Degree Certificate}
\section*{Evidence B: PhD Degree Certificate - Physics}
\includegraphics[page=2,scale=0.65, angle=0]{Images/Degrees.pdf}
\caption{PhD Degree Certificate}
\section*{Evidence C: MSc Degree Certificate - Medical Physics}
\caption{MSc Medical Physics: Degree Certificate}
\section*{Evidence D: IPEM Postgraduate Diploma}
Evidence E
\section*{Evidence E: Assessing Progression in Whole Body Bone Scans}
我希望将参考文献放在每节的末尾。每节中的第一个参考文献应从 [1] 开始。
我遇到了以下问题 (1) 每一条新证据都从新页面开始。我的页面限制非常严格,希望下一节从下一个可用空间开始 (2) 我收到错误消息
Citation on page .. undefined
No Portfolio.bbl
There were undefined references
我曾看到过一个使用 biblatex 和一个大型证据章节的解决方案。
但是,我的操作系统是 CentOS 6,无法成功实施这样的解决方案,因为我无法安装 biblatex 及其所有依赖项